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Old Snake with Adhesion


New member
Hello, I have a 25 year old cornsnake who developed a lump which started to grow and the skin is now broken. I have taken to a specialist vet who didn’t help. He X-rayed him and couldn’t see any structural damage and gave me a cream to apply and plaster to try to cover to protect the wound. By the time I got home the plaster had already come off.
I have spoken to my local reptile shop owner who told me to sterilise the cage (take out ornamental items, keep kitchen towel on the bottom and keep changing as soon as it’s dirty) and also to keep sterilising his wound… but it doesn’t appear to be helping. Everytime he moves it breaks the sore area and it starts to bleed 😢
I have had him throughout and he is the lovely gentlest snake.
I have seen another lump starting to develope. He has to be fed by holding the mouse in front of him (which is partly heated up) and has been this way for the last three years, as I found it to be the only way to ensure he found the mouse.
Does anyone have any advice on what I should do. How do you know if a snake isn’t happy when you can’t hold him the way you usually do for fear that the sore will break and bleed and delay his healing (which doesn’t appear to be happening).
Many thanks in advance
What "exactly" did the vet speculate the lump was caused by? Is it an infection, a burn, a benign growth, a tumor, etc.? When it "broke" did pus weep/ooze out? What was the cream the vet gave you? Did the vet offer antibiotics, oral or injectable? I agree with the approach the reptile shop owner suggested. Keeping the environment clean and simple helps with care when dealing with wounds. If you are unhappy with the vet's advise on the issue, find a better vet.