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probably a dumb question


New member
I was just wondering.. are snakes like dogs where breeders = yes and pet stores = no? I was just curious if it is bad to get a corn snake from a pet store. I appreciate any info.. ty

To answer your question to the best of my ability..yes and no.

Some pet stores can be great at pets and their care. They know how they should be kept, the type of substrate that is proper, the food requirements, everything. And then you've got some stores that are after the almighty $$ and couldn't care less if the snake in question ate hoppy toads, they're just there to make a buck. *cough* Petco *cough*

Most breeders on here are reputable and honest, and will provide you with good healthy stock to the best of their ability. But also on that end, unless you have one within driving distance of you, you would have to pay for the shipping fee of the animal you ordered. For most of us, that isn't a problem. It's usually $35-$50 extra on top of the price of the animal(s).

Before you buy, check out the local stores and do a mental checklist of how you see them taking care of their animals.

An example that I do when I go are:

1. Are the cages of all the animals that are on display clean and free from piled up feces?

2. Do you see any obviously deceased animals?

3. Do the animals seem to have good weight and skin/coat condition to them?

4. Question the employees on the care of animals and see how they answer. If they don't know their elbow from a bag of hammers, that's a big tip-off.

5. Do you see any parasites on the animals? Mites are tiny red or brown specks that look like pepper, ticks are obvious.

6. And generally, most places I've gone to that don't seem to take care of their fish...usually aren't good for anything else either. Like if several tanks are marked with a black X on the tank, not a good sign. And if you see floating dead and cannibalized fish left in the tanks, also not good. I'm sure this correlation isn't always the case, but in most of the petstores I've ever been in...if the fish look atrocious, everything else is bad too.

I hope that helps you a little. If you have any more questions, feel free to post them. =)
Thanks for that info :) that helped me a lot. Ill go to some pet stores and look around for starters and look at some of that obvious stuff. Thanks for the tips :)

I absolutely agree with Misty. However, I would also like to add that not ALL PetCo stores are bad. I know the ones in our area (San Diego) are actually pretty good. I know the managers of 2 of them and they both are very willing to correct any problems that are brought to their attention. The stores are also very clean and the animals are well cared for. In fact had I had the money I would have been buying 3 Leopard Geckos from them. They had 3 Albino Paternless Leos for $29.99 each. I am sure had they known what they were they would have priced them higher LOL. My point being that you really do need to judge the store individually.

Just my $0.03
Jeff C.
I got my corn from a pet store. I had no luck finding any breeders in my area, (how do you find one anyway? I kept looking in the newspapers) let alone many stores that carried corns. I paid $49 for my snake and he's clean as a whistle. The pet store was able to answer my questions pretty well, except for the sex of the snake. Incedently, I went to Pets Plus (but I'm not sure if they're a chain or privately owned).
The PetCo by my house is the dirtiest store I've ever been in! I'm never gonna shop there again:angry01: