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save the feeders!

it will never happen mice breed faster then rabbits.lol so i really don't think they will stop selling. if we did not have snakes. we have mice and rat everywhere. and don't get me wrong i love mice and rats...i just love my snake a bit more.lol
wow! look at the mice having a party. this is just going over the top now. they try to protect the mice and rats but by doing that they don't realise how they effect reptiles. what are we meant to feed our snakes? i think this website is stupid and completely biased. i see the point about the feeders some times being ill treated but this is very uncommon and you can normally tell whether this has happened by the quality of the mice/rats. i breed my own feeders as i then know that they have had a good life and looked after well. i also know that they have been culled correctly. i still think this website is completely inaccurate and there "goals" will never happen. they obviously haven't done any research into feeder mice.

Gee, I didn't realise that wild snakes don't squeeze their prey to death. Apparently only snakes in vivs do that. Huh.

I can agree with their idea of supporting f/t suppliers and finding ones that humanely euthanies mice and I also don't like the way many pet stores over crowd tanks with mice and allow them to get sick and die. I don't feel any animal should be treated like a commodity, but to equate feeding mice to snakes (NATURAL THING TO DO!) with feeding kittens to lions (HUH???) is pushing the limits of rational thought. They will lose many people right there, even those who aren't reptile enthusiasts, because it makes no sense to compare the two. If they said you had to go get a live lamb every week to feed to a lion, then they would have more animal activists on their side. There are already groups against the inhumane treatment of lambs and calves in the food industry.

Nice sentiment, there, folks. Too bad its what nature intended.
Not to mention snakes in the wild eat "old and sick" rodents. Do they think young snakes just chew off the part they can swallow. I don't like the way some pet shops treat rodents as a commodity either, that is why I have started raising my own mice.
These kind of activists make me a little ill, I realize some people have a real problem with meat as food, that is thier choice. But try to turn a captive bred snake into a vegetarian would be cruel and inhumane treatment of the snake.
I'm all for killing mice humanely and feeding dead prey if at all possible but geez...the inaccuracy of the info is shocking...

"In the wild, usually the mice that are killed by snakes are old or sick. They've gotten to live a full life." REALLY? I wonder what baby snakes eat then? I mean if you are going to go the whole "mice are terrified out of their wits route", surely adult mice are just as scared as youngsters?

"Pet stores also do not care if their "feeder" mice are ill because they expect that they will be sold to be killed anyway."
Just speaking for myself here but I would NEVER buy a sick mouse to feed to my snake.

I am all for protecting the animals etc etc but some people just take things to the extreme! Just because an animal is food for something else (INCLUDING people) does not mean that it must be treated inhumanely. When I prekill mice, they die virtually instantly, I certainly do not leave them to suffer in agony...
aww! i wanna visit that site! but they've gone and exceeded their bandwidth...
diamondlil said:
Excellent! I can just see the mice holding up their little paws in jubilation! Total inaccuracy that stands out for me, live feeding of vertebrate prey is not illegal in the uk, just not encouraged.

Actually I believe live feeding is illegal in the UK. It is only legal if the snake refuses to eat dead food and will die without live. You CAN be prosecuted for feeding a live vertebrate to another animal.

But yeah, I can't get on the site either...
I can't see it either, 509 bandwidth error...but if they get enough support to get the fiver to get more bandwidth, and have a guestbook or similar, I'm going to go over there and laugh at their information. From what I've read in this thread, it sounds fairly pathetic. :grin01:
ok, i don't think they realize the majority of people (at least on this forum, lol) feed f/t to their snakes. plus, if you think about it, snakes probably have more respect for their prey than we do. I mean think about it: we put baby cows in veal crates (although veal is too yummy to give up, lol), we put pigs in gestation crates, we keep thousands of turkeys in sheds with almost no light. the animal's living conditions are unhealthy, so we pump our meat full of hormones and antibiotics. plus we waste a lot of the animals we eat. snakes waste almost nothing, they get as much as they can from their prey. by the time a snake's done with it, it's unrecognizable. snakes are probably more humane than we are!
Funny thing is, that site doesn't explain that during every live feeding I've had to do, why the mouse ran up to the snake and tried to climb on it...:grin01:
pppphhh.. The From the mouses point of view is so dramatic.
A second is like an hour when you are suffocating, it is the most horrible feeling in the whole world. You start going through the emotions of knowing you are dieing. Scared, in pain, and the worst--you can't breath. Your eyes are looking like they are popping out of your head as your face turns blue and you are so desperate. But there is no mercy. Not soon enough you will die.

It goes on and on about how getting suffocated for a second seems like an hour for the mouse. Mammals go into shock. I like to think of it as god's way to avoid tragic suffering. When you hear about people who experiance something tragic but they didn't "feel" it till long after, thats shock. The gazelle getting nailed by a lion or cheetah after a long run is in shock. I never ever feed live but I dont because I dont want my snake hurt. I love her too much. I would feel bad for the mouse too but I dont think letting a snake put a mouse down is as horrible as people make it out. Most of the time, the mouse is grabbed and squeezed and they die quickly. I think most of the time, whether you want to believe if or not,it is fairly painless.
I don't know how it works out in reality, but despite this board, most people seem to think that live feeders are much more common.

Especially those on the pet rat and mouse boards. Anyone know how it really is? I do see an awful lot of people buying live feeders at the reptile show, but then those buying frozen tend to buy less often.
lmao i like how they where telling you how to make a custom mouse cage. And under the part that tells you where to get wired mesh it says "- Wire mesh that a mouse couldn't fit through. Buy it at a hardware store. NOT Home Depot because they sell glue traps for mice." LMAO OMG they are really serious not to buy it from home depot cuz of that! lol thats funny.