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Should I feed more?


I've had my corn snake for close to 3 months now and I'm still feeding her 1 frozen/thawed pinkie a week. Usually after i feed her she just lays around for a day or so but the last 2 times shes been very active a few hrs after the feeding. I'm thinking that all the activity means that she's still hungry but you more experienced owners can be the judge of that. Should I keep doing what I've been or should i feed her more? And if so how much?
It all depends on size of snake. They say, it should be fed something 1 1/2 of wide of girth. But you should be able to move up.
First start with two pinky for the first 3-4 feeding then move to fuzzy. Small ones to start. You should be OK with fuzzy for a while. It's going to take him a little longer to eat a fuzzy than a pinky. But that's OK.
I have one snake that I got in March that's eatting fuzzys. And I working him into large ones. But like I said .
It all depends.
This thread and inquiry would probably get more attention if it was in the correct section of the forums.

This is the "FEEDERS" section.

Any and all issues about raising rats, mice, or anything else that you feed your cornsnakes.

I think this topic would be better suited for...

"Husbandry and Basic Care"

Husbandry and Basic Care
General stuff about keeping and maintaining cornsnakes in captivity.


"Health Issues/Feeding Problems"

Health Issues/Feeding Problems
Anything related to general or specific health problems. Issues having to do with feeding problems or tips.
well thank u for that elaborate answer. it would have taken u about 1/4 the effort to type me the 5 words i needed and it would be done with. i'll be sure to put it in the right part of the forum next time i have a question

theres a thread about almost exactly the same thing in husbandry, but i would suggest feeding TWO pinkies ONCE per week. Both at the same time. If you feed them twice a week they really don't have adequate digestion time and it shortens the amount of time you can handle them. I have only had mine for about a month and his last two feedings were 2 pinkies. I feed 2 pinkies every 5 days now.
HAUZEY said:
it would have taken u about 1/4 the effort to type me the 5 words i needed and it would be done with.
Oh, it didn't take me very long. All I did was copy and paste the forum descriptions that are already there. Seemed to me that you missed them.

If you've had your snake for three months now, he should have been moved up to two pinks or peach fuzzies by now, I would think.

You want to see a lump in your snake after its fed. If you don't see much of a lump then its time to up the food size, either by number or size. Generally if they can handle two pinks they can handle a peach fuzzy. You want to feed a size that is one and a half times the width of the snake.

Not to fret, they grow quickly to recover if you were underfeeding him. Get the Corn Snake Manual if you haven't already, it comes loaded with pictures and practical easy-to-follow information about all aspects of corn snake keeping. =)

Quigs said:
This thread and inquiry would probably get more attention if it was in the correct section of the forums.

This is the "FEEDERS" section.

How rude. :rolleyes:

Like you couldn't simply have answered his question to the best of your ability with the tidbit of information he included and politely told him where his post would have been more appropriate.

There are more polite ways of telling people they made a mistake than being a jerk about it. The mistake has been made several times in the past and will probably always be made by some people who aren't reading the descriptions (I don't read them half of the time). But when people are relatively new here and have a question that they think is legitimate and they see "feeders" they instinctively think that would be the section because they have issues about FEEDING their snakes. Honest mistake. :shrugs:

The question will get answered one way or another, but in the correct forum it might be answered a lot quicker, that I agree with.
Taceas said:
How rude. :rolleyes:

Like you couldn't simply have answered his question to the best of your ability with the tidbit of information he included and politely told him where his post would have been more appropriate.

There are more polite ways of telling people they made a mistake than being a jerk about it. The mistake has been made several times in the past and will probably always be made by some people who aren't reading the descriptions (I don't read them half of the time). But when people are relatively new here and have a question that they think is legitimate and they see "feeders" they instinctively think that would be the section because they have issues about FEEDING their snakes. Honest mistake. :shrugs:

The question will get answered one way or another, but in the correct forum it might be answered a lot quicker, that I agree with.

Sorry Q, I respect you, but I thought the same thing. In the time it took you to type that response, you could have answered his question forgiving his newness to the forums. Your response just adds to the fire of the argument that we are snobs and refer newbies to the "search" function. I think we all need to take a step back and remember when we were in the same situation. Had I gotten a response like that in my first days, I might not have asked other questions for fear of hearing it was posted in the "wrong" section. All questions should be welcomed, and if you don't feel the need to answer, fine, but don't belittle someone for asking them in the "wrong" section. :shrugs:
thanks a lot guys and girls, i appreciate your understanding. i will be sure to use the correct section of the forums from now on when i have a question. i didnt mean to make this a big deal so i apologize and i thank u again for your help.
Thanks Terri for bringing the conversation back to the question at hand and for your great advice. :cheers:

HAUZEY, no need to feel bad, questions like yours are always welcome!

P.S. TERRI-----Cloud is THE most mellow snake I have ever owned. She is hanging out on the keyboard as I type, looking at me with that curious corn look. Now, curled in my fingers, she is so content I doubt she'll move until I'm ready for bed. MANY, MANY THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :santa:

JTGoff69 said:
Thanks Terri for bringing the conversation back to the question at hand and for your great advice. :cheers:

HAUZEY, no need to feel bad, questions like yours are always welcome!

P.S. TERRI-----Cloud is THE most mellow snake I have ever owned. She is hanging out on the keyboard as I type, looking at me with that curious corn look. Now, curled in my fingers, she is so content I doubt she'll move until I'm ready for bed. MANY, MANY THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :santa:
LOL...you're welcome, Jen (twice!). I am glad Cloud is doing so well for you!
CornCrazy said:
LOL...you're welcome, Jen (twice!). I am glad Cloud is doing so well for you!

Sorry, I always feel like I should thank you. She is doing superb, looking great, feeling fine, and eating like a champ! :crazy02:
JTGoff69 said:
Sorry, I always feel like I should thank you. She is doing superb, looking great, feeling fine, and eating like a champ! :crazy02:
HeHe...no need to keep thanking me! I KNOW you love her! You've thanked me enough ;)

By the way, I hope you are recovering quickly!