Roy Munson
New member
...or more accurately, site rules violations as they appear in the infractions system:
-Abusive towards other members (1 pt.)
-Inappropriate advertising (1 pt.)
-Profanity (2 pts.)
-Antagonism toward moderators (4 pts.)
-Racist/Prejudicial remarks (4 pts.)
-Actual or implied threats (5 pts.)
Cumulative penalties:
10 pts.: Immediate 3-day ban
20 pts.: Immediate 1-month ban
30 pts.: Immediate 1-year ban
40 pts.: Immediate PERMANENT ban
40 pts.: Spammer
30 pts. (Spamming): Immediate permanent ban
Points expire after 365 days unless Permanent or spammer ban, then they NEVER expire.
You must be a Contributing member to post any classified ad. Non-Contributing members may post in the "Wanted" section, and non-Contributing members may reply to those if they have exactly what is wanted. Do not attempt to list everything you have available that does not fill the needs of the Want Ad. Do not attempt to circumvent the Contributor-only ad posting rule by making posts saying that such-and-such snake will be available at this or that show if it doesn't sell by then or any other post that openly implies something is for sale.
Do not make "Come Look at My Website" threads as they will be deleted per the site's owner in This Thread. You may ask the site's owner if you can make a thread to ask for website help or things of that nature. You may put a link to your website in your signature. If you purchase a personal forum, you may be allowed to post a thread saying your website has been redesigned or the address has changed.
This site's owner is very lenient as to what is allowed and what is available to the membership. However, he does have a few rules and he expects them to be followed. This site is his personal property and his word is law. There are multiple stickied threads all over this site explaining how this forum is run and what is expected of it's membership. Please read them. And if you are unsure of something, ASK. The moderators are more than happy to assist you. Ignorance of the rules are no excuse in the real world and will not fly here either. Getting an infraction isn't the end of the world and should be considered a learning experience. Arguing about it however, especially to the site's owner, is almost a sure way to get banned from this site.
-Abusive towards other members (1 pt.)
-Inappropriate advertising (1 pt.)
-Profanity (2 pts.)
-Antagonism toward moderators (4 pts.)
-Racist/Prejudicial remarks (4 pts.)
-Actual or implied threats (5 pts.)
Cumulative penalties:
10 pts.: Immediate 3-day ban
20 pts.: Immediate 1-month ban
30 pts.: Immediate 1-year ban
40 pts.: Immediate PERMANENT ban
40 pts.: Spammer
30 pts. (Spamming): Immediate permanent ban
Points expire after 365 days unless Permanent or spammer ban, then they NEVER expire.
You must be a Contributing member to post any classified ad. Non-Contributing members may post in the "Wanted" section, and non-Contributing members may reply to those if they have exactly what is wanted. Do not attempt to list everything you have available that does not fill the needs of the Want Ad. Do not attempt to circumvent the Contributor-only ad posting rule by making posts saying that such-and-such snake will be available at this or that show if it doesn't sell by then or any other post that openly implies something is for sale.
Do not make "Come Look at My Website" threads as they will be deleted per the site's owner in This Thread. You may ask the site's owner if you can make a thread to ask for website help or things of that nature. You may put a link to your website in your signature. If you purchase a personal forum, you may be allowed to post a thread saying your website has been redesigned or the address has changed.
This site's owner is very lenient as to what is allowed and what is available to the membership. However, he does have a few rules and he expects them to be followed. This site is his personal property and his word is law. There are multiple stickied threads all over this site explaining how this forum is run and what is expected of it's membership. Please read them. And if you are unsure of something, ASK. The moderators are more than happy to assist you. Ignorance of the rules are no excuse in the real world and will not fly here either. Getting an infraction isn't the end of the world and should be considered a learning experience. Arguing about it however, especially to the site's owner, is almost a sure way to get banned from this site.
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