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Space Balls 2


very unactive member
I know that quite a few people here enjoy a good comedy so I thought I might see if anyone here has heard the rumor that Mel Brooks(spelling?) might be making a Space Balls movie based on the first 3 starwars movies. I think that it is a great idea and i would definitely go and see it. What are your thoughts and dose any one have any info if there is any truth to this rumor.
Oh yea. :p I've heard the same rumor. but yeah. Just Google spaceballs 2 and a lot comes up. :sidestep:
i think it's merely just that, a RUMOR. go to www.imdb.com if it ain't there, it hasn't been confirmed yet.

on a side note, a new Superman movie is set to hit theaters in summer 2006. before anyone even asks,Brandon Routh is playing superman. Kevin Spacey is Lex Luthor, and i can't remember the woman's name playing Lois Lane.
I just googled it and all the pages source an article that was written before episode 1 came out so i think this never made it to the production part of things. I still think that it would be a great movie and hope that it is eventually made.
Microwaving cats???

so....Billybobob whats this thing about microwaving cats for a profit thing ??? :sidestep:
I really wish this was going to happen. If they could get the right actors, and do it properly, a prequel about the origins of Dark Helmet, parodying the SW prequels would be awesome. Please Mel? Of course, some would argue that Star Wars Episodes I - III already sufficiently parodied themselves. ;)
Baba-Lou said:
so....Billybobob whats this thing about microwaving cats for a profit thing ??? :sidestep:

You are the first to make an inquiry, well it is a very complicated proses and i will require a $200 deposit to my swiss bank account before i tell you any more....

J/K, I saw this on a bumper sticker ones and i thought it was funny. It is not meant to offend anyone that is a cat lover. Heck i own a cat myself.
If they ever make a sequel to Spaceballs, I better get my sleeping bag ready, because I will camp out for those tickets. That is one of my favorite movies. I've seen it probably a 100 times. It just has so many parodies. I've watched it just so I could count how many movies and tv things they've made fun of... Star Wars, Star Trek, the Wizard of Oz, Wrigley's Doublemint Girls, Alien, and those are just what I can think of off the top of my head, I know there's other things.
Bobo's Mama said:
If they ever make a sequel to Spaceballs, I better get my sleeping bag ready, because I will camp out for those tickets. That is one of my favorite movies. I've seen it probably a 100 times. It just has so many parodies. I've watched it just so I could count how many movies and tv things they've made fun of... Star Wars, Star Trek, the Wizard of Oz, Wrigley's Doublemint Girls, Alien, and those are just what I can think of off the top of my head, I know there's other things.
Don't forget the best parody of the movie. Planet of the Apes!!!!!
Oh man, I totally forgot about that. And then there was the parody of the seven dwarfs with the dink-dinks, those little gold guys in the robes. Hey check this out... its the script. Its not exact, but its really close. Some typos and not that much detail, but if you've seen the movie, its great to read it.

ah spaceballs is a great movie...i've seen the first one like a 100 times...too bad we wont see john candy (RIP) in the sequel. I hope the 2nd movie will be as good as the 1st movie.