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Striations and New Behavior


New member
Hello - I was not home for a couple days, and when I got home, my snake was not in her warm side and I noticed the temp got to 91* on the warm side (I usually keep it at 86*). So I lowered the thermostat it and I found her laying on poop in the cool side.

So I took her out, cleaned out the viv and replaced the bedding. We were playing for a little and then she got away from me and slithered under my door. She is a pretty big girl, at her widest probably a 1.8 inch diameter while the distance from my floor to door bottom is about 1 inch. But she squished herself flat and managed to squeeze under the door. I went and got her from the other side and she was acting normal, but has some minor striations across some of the scales where she is really wide. I am pretty sure they are from scratching herself squeezing under the door. She has had similar striations from bad sheds before, so I am not too worried about that - but do you think she could have gotten hurt being "squished?"

So after that, I finished cleaning up her viv, and I put a new cool side hide box in (tissue box) and moved some things around so everything would fit better. I put her in and she started exploring right away. However 10 minutes later, she is still going around the viv propping her resting her head on different surfaces. Am I being paranoid or should I worry about an RI? She has no other symptoms, no bubbling, discharge or anything and her humidity is never too high....

I am a little concerned and I would appreciate any advice about what to do with striations (super super minor scratches) and new head resting breaks from exploring behavior.

UPDATE: I tried looking in her mouth using a Q-Tip but both she and I freaked out as I realized that was probably a very bad idea since I am not a vet and I was worried I could hurt her. I did move her lip a little and she has no bubbles by her gum though.

Just to be safe should I take her to the vet to have someone look in her mouth?
She ran away from me into her warm hide when I put her back into her viv. When I was trying to look into her mouth - she became very agitated and tried to flail away from me.
UPDATE #2: She is now in her warm hide, with her head out elevated about 45* resting on a branch. I am getting very concerned this is an RI. It is weird though because it seems like it came on all of the sudden.
I'm so sorry. For now just keep a careful watch. I hope someone who has experience with RIs weighs in. Keep the vets number handy just in case.

Of course she was agitated when you tried to open her mouth with a q-tip! That sounds normal to me.

FYI, My snake will stick his head out, raised at an angle sometimes. Is her mouth open? Any bubbling, dripping, noisy breathing?

Best wishes.
My snake also peeks out with head elevated, that's normal I guess.

Look for gaping or sneezing sounds, also open mouth or breathing with open mouth as DollysMom says. I have read somewhere they hang their head DOWN, not up, when they might have RI.

I also don't think there's a relation with the temp, unless your cool side has been under 70ºF for a really long time.
Thanks everyone! I checked on Jag just now and I took her out and she seemed very active and was not wheezing really - although when I brought her up to my ear I heard a very quiet breath but I have heard that before and the vet told me not to worry.

For now I will just keep a very close eye on her and hope last night's behavior was just the silly antics of a snake exploring a rearranged viv.

Thanks :)