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Update on Udjat, +1


New member
Udjat, my amel/anery is doing great. He's on 2 f/t pinkies about every 5-7 days. He has gotten BIG!


From June 10, 2013


Last night, Dec 10, 2013

And on Dec 7, I got this little thing:



His red is a deep, dark blood red. I love the contrast in his colors. I could have gotten a second one like Udjat, but I wanted the corn to look very different instead. I think Udjat is gorgeous, but I like variety :)

Thanks for looking!
Does amel/anery mean snow? He's gorgeous! I love the color.

The second snake is so cute. It does look pretty dark.
Amel/anery just means no black and no red, so he's not necessarily a snow but he looks similar to some photos I've seen. There's several morphs that look close, so without breeding and seeing what he produces, you can't be 100% sure. I don't know their seats either yet, so I don't know if either is actually male.

"Can I climb this?"



"What is all this stuff?"

I need more hides for him, and more decor in general. I'll be on the lookout for deals on cork bark, driftwood, and other natural looking things.
First fuzzy tonight!


GIGANTIC full belly. I left him in the feeding tub for about 10 minutes to work on it, but he had no trouble, and was ready to curl up to nap. On two pinkies, he'd cruise the tank for 10 minutes or so after he'd eaten, so he must have still been hungry. I think I'll give him three days to digest rather than the usual two to make sure nothing upsets him.


Close up of my pretty boy! :spinner:

Still don't know if "he" is actually he. He has a super long tail though, and although I know that's not a definite answer, I'm content to keep referring to him as male until I am certain for sure.

I named the new snake Cairo, as all my animals have Egyptian names. Cats Nefertem and Ib, snakes Udjat and Cairo :)




Cairo is very slowly calming down. I fed him Friday and it's the first time he didn't try to leap out of my hands, but he does not like being out in the open at all yet, so no good photos of him. Udjat I catch exploring and hunting more often, and he'll slither into his live plants to curl up and sleep, which is totally adorable.






15 minutes of play time, then a drink and back into the cozy warmth of his stone hide. Such a crazy docile little guy,
Wow! That viv looks like quite the corn snake castle! We need more pics of the new guy though. :)

I noticed you said you have been feeding every 2 days. Most people feel it is better to feed a somewhat larger meal less often. Generally every 4-5 days for hatchlings and gradually spreading it out more until it is every 7-14 days for adults.
I think there might be some confusion, as Cairo is on pinks every 5-6 days, and Udjat is on fuzzies every 6-7 days. I did take Udjat back down to pinks as he regurged January 1st, but he's fed well since then and will be back on fuzzies in a few more weeks after 3 more successful feeds.

It's feeding time for Cairo tonight, so I'll see if I can get some more pics beforehand. Cairo has only just calmed down his last two feeds and no longer panics or leaps from my hands, but I still didn't want to push him too hard on play time and risk reversion.
I think I'll give him three days to digest rather than the usual two to make sure nothing upsets him.

It was this that confused me. Upon re-reading, I see you didn't say anything about feeding every 2 days, just about digestion time. Sorry, my bad!
No worries. With a bigger meal, I want to let them settle for a bit longer. It could have been worded better.





Cairo is a squirmy little snot and still isn't 100% comfortable being handled, so trying to get photos with one hand while keeping him from jumping off the bed with the other isn't easy.

And then he pooped on me. A big, wet, stinky one. :(:puke01:


He was looking extr pink last night for some reason! Weighed 42 grams before his last feed, which was a hopper of about 11g. Big meal for him, but he ate it well with no problems. I can't wait to weigh him again and see if he's gained, because he certainly FEELS heavier to me.

I recall reading this is the stage in which he should start growing like a weed because of the extra nutrients in the bigger mice. I AM EXCITED :D :bird::crazy02:

One of the (marginally) better photos of Cairo. Cairo does not like people so trying to get a photo of him is nigh impossible.


Udjat remains utterly photogenic, however (why is there no heart icon??)