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Yesturday i went out and bought a tree for both my corn snakes. When i put the tree in the cage they seem to love it and wont get off of it. I have a snow named pinky and the other one is an orange one named buggsy aka bugs. today i tried to move pinky off bugs so i could try to feed him again and to see if he is any better. Pinky just ate sunday so i havent even tried to mess with him at all but when i tried to slowly touch pinky to move off of bugs i heard the rattling then he struck and this is the third time. Im really scared and worried. Should i be? Im to the point where i want to take him back.
Sounds like co-hab to me... Did you do a search of co-hab before posting... Thought I'd mention it nicely before the:uzi: starts...LOL
yeah i did so im most likely going to take my snow back today i really do like him but im scared that hes actually going to get my fingers one of these days
Ah I don't think you should take him back just yet! Some corns are just naturally nervous and with you having them co-habbed they're probably stressed out. Try getting them into separate vivs and see how they react.
is the snow a baby..
My baby corns have been pissy now and then..but they will get over it..
even if the snake has not had attention in a while they can be pissy..just give them time and work with them...they will get better....and it doesnt hurt really when they do get you..=)
and Co-habbing is bad..you should get them each their own home.
Ah I don't think you should take him back just yet! Some corns are just naturally nervous and with you having them co-habbed they're probably stressed out. Try getting them into separate vivs and see how they react.
Excellent advice.......
I wouldn't worry about a bite..... It's no big deal off a corn.... Just a bit shocking at the speed...... And a bite looks cool when you show your friends...LOL
Really though, any animal with a head full of teeth can bite, so get used to it, it's part of the hobby/fun..... And then you can post a pick of it under bite club...LOL
Its really cool when he strikes. Yeah he is a babay a really big baby. LOL. He was pretty cool when i got him my main concern is when hes done digesting his food and i get him out to work with him cause he is kinda skitish cause he hasnt been handled as much as my other one has he will strike at my 3 1/2 year old. I could care less if he bites me. I also dont have the money to seperate them or else i would.
Well, you can cheaply separate them by using a tub even if it was only temporarily until you wanted to get a new tank. As for the 3 1/2 year old, I just wouldn't handle him while the baby is around(you are talking about a 3 1/2 year old child right?). In fact whenever the snakes are being handled in my house, the kids aren't allowed anywhere near them until we know they are having a nice,calm day and aren't in one of their moods. That includes both snakes and children! We've noticed that if the kids are really hyper and jumpy, the snakes are too!
I want to keep him but im still having issues with bugs my other one. He likes to lay in one spot for long periods of time and ever since i got a tree for them he likes to lay up in the tree. I still cant get him to eat. Im not sure if he is hybernating or getting ready to shed. The temp is fine ive got 3 things to monitor the temp.
Its really cool when he strikes. Yeah he is a babay a really big baby. LOL. He was pretty cool when i got him my main concern is when hes done digesting his food and i get him out to work with him cause he is kinda skitish cause he hasnt been handled as much as my other one has he will strike at my 3 1/2 year old. I could care less if he bites me. I also dont have the money to seperate them or else i would.

If you can't afford to house them separately, you shouldn't have more than one. You can always go to Walmart or Target and pick up a Sterilite bin of appropriate size. It will cost you less than $5. Drill air holes in the sides, put bedding and a few hides in it, and figure out a way to heat it (not sure about using a UTH under plastic, I'm sure it would be fine as long as it is connected to a thermostat and is properly ventilated underneath). I'm sure someone can give more info on the UTH/plastic issue, as I haven't done it, so I don't have any experience with it.
Bugs is the laid back type but i still dont really allow my 3 1/2 year old child handle him cause yeah she is hyped up about the snake its our first pet hers any way so when it comes to pinky will not let her get near him i give her something to do when i get them out.
If bugs isn't eating, there are many things you can do to try to get him to eat... (braining the mouse (poking a hole in the head), covering the feeding container and leaving it alone so that the snake can eat in peace...) do a search on "nonfeeders" and see what you can try for your snake.

Also, as previously mentioned, the reason bugs is not eating could be because of the cohabbing and stress factor due to it.

good luck.
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I want to keep him but im still having issues with bugs my other one. He likes to lay in one spot for long periods of time and ever since i got a tree for them he likes to lay up in the tree. I still cant get him to eat. Im not sure if he is hybernating or getting ready to shed. The temp is fine ive got 3 things to monitor the temp.

How old is this snake? If your temps are fine, he shouldn't be hibernating. What are your temps like, cool and warm side?

A few of my snakes aren't very active, and then I have others that are out exploring almost all the time.

How long has it been since he last ate? The co-habbing could be the cause of the refusals. It is very stressful on both animals involved.
Thats why im most likely going to take him back. I will eventually get another one later when i get paid again at the time being i didnt know you cant co-hab corn snakes.
I dont know how old bugs is cause when i got him from petco they didnt give me an age. He is very tiny. On the warm side it stays in between 75 and 85 on the cooler side right now its at 55. Its been a week and some odd days. But if co-habbing is the reason i will take pinky back for the time being and give it some time and see if bugs will eat.
I think you need to get your temps right- and that will probably help your feeding issue with Bugs.

your cool side is WAY too cold for a corn. It should be mid 70's on the cool side and mid 80's on the warm side with as little fluctuation as possible.

Please, please, please take care of these issues...
I took bugs out for a few today and he seemed okay he sits in my hand with no problems he also drank water while i was holding him so i know comfortable with me but im just really worried i hope he isnt sick and i dont want him to be stressed
should i put the heating lamp between the warm and the cooler side? How would i go about doing it? Sorry its my first time with baby corn snakes
You really need to work on those temps. Is it that cold in your house that the cool side is at 55? I know it isn't feasible for many, but I keep my house right around 72 so that the cool side is about where it needs to be (with the UTH on the warm side at around 85, it tends to warm up the cool side to around 75).

I don't use heat lamps at all, except on my beardie, my frog (its actually a UV light, not a heat lamp) and my ATB (and hers is just a small heat lamp in addition to her UV light, just to give her a bit of a tree basking spot). Corns are nocturnal, they sleep during the day and therefore don't really require any sort of lamp.

An under the tank heater (UTH) is what they need, as they require belly heat to properly digest. The UTH needs to be connected to a thermostat (or rheostat, even a lamp dimmer will work) so that it doesn't get too warm. Without any type of temperature control for a UTH, some can get up to 120 degrees or so, enough to kill a corn.