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Wagon Lizard

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
I know most people call these guys "Fence Lizards", but I can't ever recall actually ever finding one on a fence. This one seems to prefer the wagon we have sitting underneath the car port, and her favored position is laying in the corner looking out over the driveway with her front arm draped over the edge. She will also often be found laying on one of the tires towards evening. I was also lucky enough to catch her via the camera evidently climbing up onto the wagon through the screen mesh.

Connie and I walk by her many times during the day and talk to her, and she seems to have become quite used to our presence.


That's cute. She looks very relaxed. Our fence lizards in Arizona definitely love our fences! They especially love it when you have any sort of plant or trellis against the fence so they can access both bugs and hiding spots.
I think I am going to have to buy another wagon. This lizard has made that wagon her home, it seems.