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Weird Behavior


New member
I have a amel corn. I got her as a baby (under 1 month) back in January. She has been a great snake, I've been handling her about once a week since I got her and she's been great. Yesterday however, she was not in a good mood and rattled her tail and was in a striking position, wouldn't even let me go near her. This is VERY unlike her. She is probably the most scardy/good natured snake I've ever handled in where her first reaction has always been to try and get away. Even today she's fine, let me pick her right up without a problem. The only element that was different yesterday was the warm end of the tank (the end she was laying in) was very warm (92 degrees) while it's usually 85 degrees. Maybe she just didn't want to be bothered in the heat, although I don't know why she just didn't go to the cool end that was at 83 degrees, maybe shes like her owner and is just lazy to go over there. I just thought this was odd and thought I'd share this behavior.
Hmmm...I'm by no means an expert, but I do know that when I'm too warm, I don't like to be touched either and if I had a tail, I'd rattle it, too. :p In all reality, though, I'm still getting used to my corn & I'm s/he is still getting used to me (I've only had her for a week now, and I'm guessing she's 2 mos old...), and once I did reach in to her tank (to change the water) and she kind of backed away from me & all I could think was that I must've startled her or something for her to pull away. So, I let her go on her way & then I tried again...no problem. :)
Im not an expert either. I dont think a little postering is something to fret over if its the first time shes ever done it. You may have just startled her. As for the temp of the tank 92 seems a little high, the thing with reptiles is that they would rather be as little warm then a liitle cold. Since they get there energy from the heat source near them it can effect their behavior. High temps tend to make reptiles anxious and agressive but instinct tells them to stay where its warm, because thats what gives them energy. I wouldnt worry to much, just turn the temp down a little. She was probably just defending her spot of warmth.
You have already gotten some pretty good responses relative to your temps. Another thought, how does your humidity look? Is it possible your snake is in blue phase or just come out and is ready to shed? My snakes do pretty well during this time but I understand they can be quite uncomfortable during this cycle and a bit less friendly as a result. Again just a thought :shrugs:
Actually, she just shed the day before. She also ate a big meal 2 days before. Since she was fine yesterday so I'm not to worried. Thanks for all the replies. :)
That might be it, I try not to handle my snakes for at least 3 days after they have eaten. A snake which has eaten recently can be irretable and handling puts stress on them. Its most likely a combination of factors temperature, a recent feed and possibly the humidity or the snake may have been sleeping and you startled her when you went to handdle her. just a thought. :cool: