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What to expect from a baby corn snake... ?


New member
So I just got a baby corn snake and he/she is really "jumpy and squirmy". Is this normal behavior for a little corn? Should I leave him/her alone for a while till he/she gets older then handle or start handling right away? Sorry I'm new to this. All my other animals I got when they were sub-adult or pre-owned (yay rescuing). If ya'll could post a good link on baby corn's in general, I would love you all forever! Thanks!
Very normal for a babe to be nervy and jumpy. We advise leaving them completely alone for at least a week when they first arrive, with no handling at all. After that, gentle regular handling will get it used to you (no handling for 48 hours after eating though, as that risks a regurge). At the moment you're a massive predator which probably wants to eat it. With handling, the Corn will gradually learn that you mean it no harm, but sometimes that message can take a while to get through!

Corns usually get more confident as they get bigger. Although mine have never got over the instinct to try and avoid being picked up, once I have them out of their vivs they're much more relaxed about being handled.
Out of all my corn snakes that I own I've got two babies that are still jumpy and nervous when I go to pick them up. I've had both babies since last October. I hold them regularly just like all my other around same age corns that I got but these two just do not like to be held. Two of my older corns that I actually got either from a vendor at the Indy Reptile show or from a friend of mine in Columbus are also very sensitive to touch not necessarily nervous but more sensitive to touch or what not. The older ones don't ever try to bite or rattle their tails at me but the babies do. Some just don't calm down most however will and they usually are very easy to hold as they get older.
My baby is the same way. He don't like being picked up too much and can be quite hard to hold because he likes marathon-zooming through my fingers in attempt to get back to his viv. He's been held once or twice a week after the tank adjustment period and only had one issue with him being a bit PO'd about being handled. It's all part of being a cute little baby and wondering why a giant is insisting on holding them. :)
I was cleaning her water bowl today and she peeked out and came over to me and she curled around my finger. She just chilled out and enjoyed the back rubs I was gently giving her with my thumb then went on a little cruise through my fingers. Then she went back to her cork flat hide. I had her now for a week and she seems to be settling into her 10 gallon. Oh and she ate her 2nd pinky in my care.... that baby has a appetite! But mine has never tail rattled at me, just bolted a few times in the beginning. :)
That is great to hear! Sounds like the bond between you and your snake is going well!

Also, you mention that you've had the snake a little over a week. Typically snake owners would emphasize that you leave them alone for a week to adjust to their new homes and environment, and also not feed them for their first week. This may of contributed to the feeling you got about the baby being jumpy. :)
Yea, just the owner said it was about baby feeding time at the pet store and I thought I might make an exception and it worked out I think. My baby seems to be a little more laid back then what others are describing on this site and other sites as well. But I'm glad for you all to tell me this stuff. Thank you very much! :)
I've always fed the same day that I've brought home a snake. Now that's only been 7 times, but still. And they all worked out well.
Glad to see your little one seems to be adjusting so well. In January I acquired a juvenile rescue that is still jumpy when I try to pick her up. She's a lot better than she was though. The previous owner started taking her to the park & letting her loose in the sandbox the same day she got her. It's a wonder she even survived at all. Anyway happy herping.