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Whats up with my lil guy


New member
Hey all!

Heres my problem, My 2 month Carolina Corn isn't coming out at night anymore, a few thing have changed recently but they have all been staggered.

We moved him into his new larger viv about 2 weeks ago
(but has been out every night including the night we moved him in, hes very active and enjoying his new space)

hes been bumped up to larger pinkies (2 feeds ago, 3 weeks ago)
(but had previously fed on one perfectly the feed before)

We Bought a Habistat about a week ago to control the heat
(we have it set to 76f in the middle and regularly check both side to ensure a healthy variation of heat)

A side note - He hasn't pooped since his feed on Sunday, i assumed he was either taking longer to digest or he has pooped somewhere sneaky and i haven't found it?)

I'm sure nothing major is wrong with his i just want to sort whatever it is that could be deterring him from coming out at night?

Any ideas?

Sounds like he may be due for a shed, which would make him more likely to stay hidden away.
hmmm. for me its hard to know when to expect a poo from my snakes, i just check regularly and clean when necessary. but as far as him hiding a lot goes, this is pretty normal behavior for a hatchling. theyre at an age where they have lots of predators in the wild, so their instinct is to hide, and a lot of times to be up higher. my yearling still hides all the time. i very rarely see her out at night. and i do mean rarely. is there a reason your snake hasnt eaten in 3 weeks? did he refuse or something? at two pinks your snake should be eating ever 5-6 days. what temp is your snakes cool side and warm side?
i knew it would be something blooming simple!!! i was so worried about all the recent changes, ill get him out tomorrow and have a look at him, hes only shed once with me, last time was the 3rd of sept :)

OOO fingers crossed!

Thanks guys! ^_^
oh no, hes eaten, i might he started on larger pinkies 3 weeks ago, he eats fine, hes not a striker, more a pacman lol (just finds the bottom and calmly and slowly noms away)

i know corn snakes are naturally cautious but hes quite a cheeky chap normally, trying to escaped and exploring, then when it stopped i was concerned, but shedding makes sense, i was under the impression is was every month n a half so wasnt expecting it :)
hmm , i gotcha, i read your post wrong i suppose. if hes normally out and about yes the others are probably right, hes probably due for a shed, you mayve missed the blue phase in the eyes already. it happens to the best of us =p. i think shedding can vary from snake to snake, according to my tracking my yearling has been shedding every month almost on cue. but it will slow down as they age. just dont panic yet! and to look for poopy, heres a good tip, check around the perimeter of the tank/viv, and around the perimeter of the hides and other objects in the snakes enclosure. snakes tend to poo at the edge of things, not out in the open (usually).
Thank you for your help!! :) just one more thing, should i mist him to aid the shedding? we did last time and he shed in one full piece, this is his first time with a bulb (someone said they dont help with shedding as much as mats?) ... or maybe put a larger water bowl in there to raise the humidity abit?

I'm gonna poop hunt tomorrow when i have a spare pair of hands with me! i even have a scoop for the poop lol!

Thanks Again!!
you can mist, or make a humid hide for him. to make a humid hide just take a tupperware container with a lid, or a butter/sourcream/coolwhip etc container with a lid, and cut a hole in the lid. youll need moss from a petstore made for such things, or a colorless new washcloth, that youve thoroughly washed with hotwater (no soap). once you get it home, get it damp with room temp/ barely warm water, and place it in the container. if you leave the humid hide in the tank theyll usually take advantage of it, and use it until they are done shedding, then take it out. some snakes wont use them, or if you feel more comfortable with it, misting is just fine.
once we have checked him tomorrow to make sure hes in the blue, ( i know the eyes clear up but there colour goes dull, dont they) then ill go make a damp hide, then its his choice! Fab! thanks :) x
i know the eyes clear up but there colour goes dull, dont they
Their eyes and colours go dull, then their eyes and colours go back to normal, then they shed.

It can be difficult to see in some morphs, but most will take on a sort of greyish sheen in that first phase. It's usually easier to see in the eyes of the lighter morphs.
If you're unable to find the poo, a lukewarm soak always helps mine along. It'll help the shedding process as well. ;)
I wouldn't soak unless there's a problem with the shed. Also, some of them do "back up" during the shedding process and then take an enormous dump once it's complete. It's not constipation, it's just part of the natural cycle for some.

They're best left in peace until after the shed.
Hes still not active? we've been misting the viv and we dont even see him, i panic like hes lost and dig up all the blooming aspen and my boyfriend finds him shying away in the corner, as to not cause any unnecessary stress i havent dug up the aspen again but i havent seen him in days. can shedding take this long?
Would a wash cloth from around the house, recently washed, be ok to use if rinsed thoroughly? Not to derail the thread, but it seems relevant: just how sensitive are corns to the normal soaps and detergents used around the house? For example, is it ok to wash their water bowls with hot water and hand soap with a thorough rinse? My snake prefers the security of having his vivarium covered: is it ok to use shirts that were washed as normal several days ago?