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Hypo Cinder

I was cleaning out Cinny's tank today and I found him where I always find him - coiled up inside his smoked oysters box!

He fits so perfectly inside it!




He is such a sweet snake and I can't wait for him to grow up. I hope he keeps his lovely temperament.
Nice overcast day out today, so I took Cinny out for a photoshoot. He is super calm and will always sit nicely for photos.

This has got to be one of the best photos I've taken:


Oh wow, love those last shots of him. I've never seen blue eyes on a snake.

Blue eyes... was it Frank Sinatra or Robert Redford that had that nickname?
I see his eyes as a steel blue too. Although they may just look blue to me because they are right next to pinkish tones. They look pale blue if I put him in the sun.
Ah, cinders. One of my loves and a morph I definitely need to add, soon. Handsome boy!
Cool looking morph, I like how he has black borders. Never would have guessed something like that would show up on such a morph. Very interesting.
Beautiful eyes! Do all cinders have eyes like that?

I'm really not sure. I now have two hypo cinders and both of them have the light blue/grey eyes. However, Christen has a hypo cinder stripe with very dark eyes. I guess it can vary.

And Jen, he's such a sweetie, too! Did you hold back any hypo cinders for yourself?
I did not hold back any last year but I do have some from previous years. One is a daddy for the first time this year. I am starting to see how varied this morph can be though, neither of my holdbacks have that much red on them.
All the ones I have hatched have the blue eyes.