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Progression Thread - Lilly Getting Down to Business!!

Yeah, you can only do what you know now. Remember, you did your best with what you knew and revised that when you learned better!

She'll be back up to speed in no time!
Yeah, you can only do what you know now. Remember, you did your best with what you knew and revised that when you learned better!

She'll be back up to speed in no time!

I REALLY appreciate the encouragement Dollysmom, you are a good egg! But what I TRULY hope, and one of the reasons I LOVE this forum, is that those who don't know, both newbies AND many who are passionate snake lovers who aren't formally trained herpetologists, can and will learn from the experiences of others who are good enough to share them! As the saying goes, "No Man is an Island," and no one will learn anything from osmosis alone! Especially older, kinda burnt-out folks like myself who actually took the wrong bus recently when I was trying to figure out what a sign meant that said, "DRY PAINT!"

Thanx again!
Another 2 Eggs Caving In!! (Bummer!)

Oh well, after 3 weeks (actually 23 days to be exact!), it appears as if I might've lost another 1 or 2 eggs due to some sorta self-implosion, or unfortunately caving in. Not much I can do because of their proximity, though I think I'll try the old moist paper towel trick, which I haven't tried since prior to sealing off the holes in the lid of the incubator, thanx to Nanci's wise advise. The rest of the eggs, including one right underneath the one that's discolored and caved-in, are all healthy in appearance, which is great! I'm not complaining, since I initially thought I might lose Lilly during the production of this clutch, so right now I consider myself way ahead of the game!! Lilly actually appears to be thriving!!!


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I'm so sorry, but a lot of them still look great! So glad Lilly is back to normal.

Thanx Dollysmom! Yeah, she's doing well! She's got real spunk!

Hey!! Is it possible that these eggs might hatch by the 4th of July or is that too soon? Last year, I only had 3 of 12 hatch but they all pipped at exactly 45 days!! I heard some folks say it takes well over 2 months.

Either way, it's like leaving the porch light on for Jimmy Hoffa!! It feels like forever, almost.
Whoa!! Got me there!

Thanx for that reminder, as sometimes I could use some practical advice!

Orson Welles is just the man to say it also!! (Speaking of Orson, I once heard someone tell a story about him that when he was at his heaviest, he once farted out of a window in Detroit and killed a condor in the Andes!! I was also fat at one time, couldn't even JUMP to a CONCLUSION! But was never heavy enough to have been a threat to an endangered species!)

But thanx again as I won't hold my breath for the 4th. It's all good anyway! :crazy02:
Lol Axis, you always make me laugh. Hang in there!

Glad I could put a smile on your face!

Laughter is just as important as air to me. If I didn't laugh at myself so much I'd constantly be reminded of how crazy I am!
17 out of 19 are OK!!!

Hi all (or anyone who might still be interested in following)!

Finally had to toss that caved-in egg pictured above on 6/13. However, the ones next to it have recovered and all the others are actually looking as if they might have an excellent chance of hatching! Today is actually one whole month since Lilly did her thing! All 17 surviving eggs remain in the same incubator but I did have to remove the top layer of Spanish Moss as it was producing too much mold of a white, fuzzy variety. The eggs also got somewhat discolored but I doubt that's an issue, as most have gotten a little more oblong in shape and the ones which appeared to be caving in have now popped-up appropriately, thanx to the feedback and advice I got right here!!

I just wanted to acknowledge that and to say THANK YOU all so much!! I'll make sure to keep you posted as time goes on and will try to provide pix if & when they do hatch.


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Of course we're still watching! And holding our breath, and crossing our fingers, and doing naked dances to the Nature Goddess. No, wait. That's for something else! Lol
. . . and doing naked dances to the Nature Goddess. No, wait. That's for something else! Lol

That's OK, I'm open to learning NEW THINGS!! :crazy02:

Actually sounds enticing! Just thinking about it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside!

(Probably because I was an ugly kid! When I was a baby, my mother breastfed me through a straw!!!). :eek:
Looks Like Another One Bites The Dust!

Hi everyone!

Unfortunately, when I went to check on and air out or fan Lilly's remaining 17 out of 19 eggs, I discovered one which seems to have been attacked and virtually covered in mold.

I've read conflicting accounts on whether or not it's OK to keep moldy eggs as some breeders say it can affect the air and the other eggs while others say it's OK.

The jury is still out on this one, because the weight of this egg definitely indicates that there is a hatchling in there waiting to pop out soon and I've read that there have been healthy hatchlings coming out of the most moldy eggs.

Any thoughts on this?


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The rest seem to be far enough away to be OK, but I'm not an epidemiologist nor do I have the knowledge to speak on this as if I know what I'm saying with confidence!


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The breeder I work with had a clutch of 8 BP eggs. 2 of them went bad within for first couple weeks of incubation, but due to their location, he didn't want to attempt to pry them from the pile, and risk the 6 good eggs that were left. So these 2 bad eggs were reduced to an icky mush over the course of incubation. We now have 6 beautiful and healthy babies! As far away as your potentially bad egg is from the others, you should be just fine :)
. . . As far away as your potentially bad egg is from the others, you should be just fine :)

That's what I figured! But I thought it was worth mentioning to folks who know more than I do!

Congrats on your Python Pippies!!!

:-offtopic. (Got any pics of the hungry hatchlings? I just LOVE baby pictures!!!)

Thanx again for the response!!
I have two gnarly looking mushed infertiles attached to my best looking egg right now, but so far the mold hasn't moved onto the good one. Your others should be ok! Hopefully mine are too!
Thanks Axis! 2 of 4 clutches are out. The other two should be out within the next week!

I can't wait to see your little babies when they decide to grace you with their presence!
Pipping day! You can see the bad eggs in the photo as well.

This little pastel is the only one I snapped pics of. All of the little darlings are now deep in blue.


I'll see if I can snap some photos of his second clutch that pipped. There are some real lookers hatching out :) He also has an incubator full of colubrid eggs.

Photos are a total must when your babies start hatching out. There's no such thing as too many photos! :)