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UPS Gross Negligence

:-offtopicJust wanted to say, 'pass us the esky mate, I want a beer' (in an aussie accent)
I love the aussie accent, a friend went to australia for a few years and then came back to England. His accent changed a-helluva-lot. I'll ask him to pass me the esky next time we're go camping.
Wow...what an ordeal but I am glad they made it to you alive and well. Its always a "what to do" situation when the shipping company does not knowingly accept reptiles by their own policy, but local hubs that override that policy and when something goes wrong on their part...who do you yell at?

With the scorching heat wave going on in the mid-section of the country (where I'm unfortunately located) I am postponing selling any of my corn snake hatchlings until the temps turn cooler. Unless its a local buyer or a state close by that overnighting would simply be a few hours drive.

I see nothing wrong with a frozen gatorade bottle at all. I would much rather the snakes be alive than what type of "cold pack" they use. Its like saying, "how dare they pad my snake's shipping box with their local classifieds". Yeah they're ugly, but they still work. Once those cold packs thaw, they're warm. Once water thaws, it still gives you a couple more hours at most of cooling.

And I am in much agreement with everyone here, a frozen bottle of water lasts a heck of a lot longer than the commercial cold packs you can buy. Especially the ones from reptile shipping supply companies, figure that one out.
:cheers: Thanks, everyone for all the well-wishes!

Both 'girls' are doing well this morning, and are cruising around in their (quarantined) shoe boxes.

I think I will name the pewter 'Gator' and the bloodred 'Aida'.... :sidestep:

I, for one am grateful for the frozen gatorade bottle!! I think it would have been much more 'unprofessional' to have opened the box and found nice, neat, professional, warm coldpacks and 2 dead snakes. I'm not saying that coldpacks wouldn't have sufficed for the initial journey....but they did arrive 9 hours past their scheduled time. Who knows? :shrugs:
Urgh, I would have torn out ½ my hair if I had to go through that. I have about 25 hatchlings coming from Florida...yes, all the way to Sweden and I then have to go for a 3 hour drive to pick them up...poor little critters!
Hey Slither... go here to check out a very tasty beverage...


Its actually a really cool website and you can even find out if it is available in UK.

Also, to A_mc, its a good thing the breeder did that with the bottle. She was thinking ahead. Sometimes you just have to do things that aren't professional
I'm so glad the your snakes are OK. My last snake was about 4 hours late and the cold packs were warm. :rolleyes:

:-offtopic WOW Princess, all the way to Sweden! When are they coming?!?! I want to see lots of pics!
Bobos moma, I tried but it wont play on my firefox explorer. Quicktime never will for some reason. I was actually wondering when I read this post, 'what the heck is gatorade?' I take it it's a drink? if it's fizzy I wont drink it, it's water, fresh juice or cordial for me. (and not forgetting the good old amber nectar)
Oh and has the GBB's bubble just burst? lol
When all else fails... Google it, that's how i found this picture


That is btw, the kind that the breeder packed, called frost. Its just a different variety of the same thing. They have all kinds of catchy names like "Edge, frost, ice, X-treme, fierce" Its supposed to be a "sports" drink, but I just drink it like water or juice. Its healtheir than Coke and doesn't dehydrate you and comes in all different fruit flavors. And NO, I'm not a spokesperson for them, I just like teaching people stuff about things they're not familiar with. It would be like you telling me about some British product that I'm unfamiliar with. :)
Bobo's Mama said:
I just like teaching people stuff about things they're not familiar with. It would be like you telling me about some British product that I'm unfamiliar with. :)

I am the same way. One of my Aussie friends sent me a package of something called TimTams (I think), she said they're cookies that are to die for. They were due to arrive today but haven't shown up yet. I wonder if she put a cold pack in there! :roflmao:
A british product.....hmmmm. I can't think of any. There's probably loads, but I just don't know that you don't know about them. lol
Mary-Beth: I hope your cookies don't have chocolate in them, or they would need a cold pack. They'd come all melted and gooey, which would be :cry: , I hate melted cookies, especially chocolate ones. But, heh, maybe you could just dunk in some milk and they'd be yummy anyway. Makes me want to go down to the vending machine and get some cookies :rolleyes:

Slither: Come on man! try me! I'll bet you could figure out some product that doesn't get marketed here in the states.
Vending machine? I take it your at work.
Do you have bisto gravy? lion bars? dandelion and burdock pop? fairy liquid for the dishes? lol they're just the first things that came into my head, and you're probably going to say yes we have all those. :rolleyes:
Hmmmm.... I don't see a smiley that says Shhhh... with a finger to its lips, but if we had one, I'd use it....yes, I'm at work. I have internet access, its a Friday, and I'm bored and lazy. As long as I get my work done..... :grin01: Anyway, believe it or not, I've never heard of any of those. Come on, "fairy liquid" that's funny :roflmao: , of course we have dish soap call "dawn" and "sun", so go figure. What are lion bars. Some kind of candy bar? Sounds yummy... {as I fumble for change in my pocket}
Lion bars are the single best chocolate bar in the world, we don't really have candy bars over here, we call them chew bars. A proper mans chocolate bar lol. They're like wafer with rice crispies around it, coated in chocolate, with toffee mixed in. The dogs nuts. And fairy liquid is the only washing up liquid to use, even if you don't buy the fairy brand you still call it fairy up liquid. I think the UP bit comes from washing UP.
And I'm kinda thinking why you at work at 7:30?
Silly Slither....part II

Its 1:30 PM here, where I am in Nebraska, it is CST (Central Standard Time) , actually now its almost 2:00 PM, but you get my point. Oh boy... fairy... it just sounds so funny. I always think of those flying little fantasy things when I think of fairys. Like the one in Peter Pan?! Tinkerbell?! You can call it a chew bar, but its still a candy bar from the sounds of it.

We'll agree to disagree, but it's still a chew bar.:D
I can't believe I forgot about time zones, silly slither. BTW my names Dan.
And talking about tinkerbell, you ever see the film Hook? She was played by 1 foxy Julia roberts. *wolf whistle* *hubba hubba* (lol)
I think the main reason the day is going by so slowly is that I am waiting to go home and see if Bobo shed yet!!!! I hate when she goes blue because then the waiting starts and its just driving me nuts. I don't want to miss it, but I know I probably will, because i'm either at work or asleep and only have a small window of time where I am actually home to see her and hopefully catch her shedding. It would be so cool to watch her shed. I had to help her the last two times, so hopefully won't have to this time, as I've done loads and loads and tons of reasearch on getting the humidity right.

Oh and I just wanted to say to A_Mc, I'm terribly sorry for turning this thread into a chat room :grin01: it wasn't intentional, but I just looked at the entire last page #4 and its just me and slither (dan) talking back and forth and also totally :-offtopic , although it did start with gatorade. Hey, maybe we are unknowingly entertaining others with out chitter chatter. Well, if I make one person laugh a day, then I've done a good deed.
A_Mc that goes for me too, sorry mate. Today I changed the setting in options to show 40 posts per page as I was sick of changing pages then back and so on. So that's what I blame for me not realising how much we'd gone on.:sidestep:
And bobos moma, great chatting to you. ;)