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Zinnia - Sunkissed Tessera


Olivia Barron
So this was a total impulse purchase, surprisingly encouraged by my husband! Saw this lovely little sunkissed tessera at a reptile store today. I love what sunkissed does to pretty much every morph. I really like the 'stripe in stripe' look that she has in the beginning half of her dorsal pattern and the splotchy pattern in the second half. She's supposed to be a late 2020 hatch, but she's already considerably larger than several of my 2020 babies, so either they were feeding her really well, or they meant to say late 2019. She's just started to go blue in these photos, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her true colors after she sheds.


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So I guess she was actually at the tail end of her shed phase because the very next day I found a perfect complete shed in her enclosure. So today I took some post shed pictures. She is definitely not one of my more cooperative models! No bites, but flailing and a bit of musking.


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Quick cell phone picture of Zinnia's colorful belly. She's my most feisty snake. She's never tried to bite me, but she always flails, tail whips, and musks whenever I get her out. And then it takes her quite a few minutes to settle down even slightly. She's the sort of snake that is not concerned about falling - she would be happy to take a flying leap out of my hands!


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Quick cell phone picture of Zinnia's colorful belly. She's my most feisty snake. She's never tried to bite me, but she always flails, tail whips, and musks whenever I get her out. And then it takes her quite a few minutes to settle down even slightly. She's the sort of snake that is not concerned about falling - she would be happy to take a flying leap out of my hands!

This is exactly how my palmetto is minus the musk, although he did bite me the last time I took him out. I'm trying to handle him as frequently as possible now because I would like him to outgrow this behavior before he gets large enough that I'll feel him biting me.
Tried to take some photos of Zinnia today. She really lives up to the sunkissed stereotype. So much flailing, darting out of my hands, tail whipping, and musking. Thankfully she doesn't seem to be a biter (yet!) If you've ever handled a legless lizard, that's what she's like to handle.

You can really see her giving me the stink eye in this photo and as soon as I took the picture, she flew out of the light box and I had to scramble to prevent her from falling to the floor.


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Zinnia continues to be a pain in the butt to handle! She's always very tense and will try to shoot out of your hands with no regard to falling.

But at least she's pretty!


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Oh wow, she's gorgeous! My anery has none of the fire of your tessera. It's interesting how different morphs can tend to have different personality types.

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Thanks! And yeah, thankfully she's not super feisty. I think she has half-heartedly struck at me a handful of times, but mostly she's just flighty. Out of my seven homozygous sunkissed corns, only three have a bit of attitude. But out of all of my snakes, the three that have attitude are sunkissed! Haha!
Zinnia continues to be a pain in the butt to handle! She's always very tense and will try to shoot out of your hands with no regard to falling.

But at least she's pretty!

She sounds like she would be good friends with my Palmetto. He no longer bites but he is still very flighty for the first couple of minutes after getting him out. He does eventually settle down, but your tense description describes him to a T