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Old 10-15-2006, 12:14 PM   #9
Originally Posted by Susan
When talking about any of the multiple cornsnake morphs, it is always "compared" to what is considered the normal, or "wild-type" cornsnake. All of the genetic morphs are recessive to the dominant normal/wild-type gene.... The normal/wild-type genes are dominant over the recessive morph genes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd been under the impression that this is not always the case. We may someday discover a corn snake 'mutant' gene that is dominant or codominant to 'wild type' (and 'bloodred/diffuse' may actually already qualify if you get visual hets).

I know that, in mice, there's a mutant gene producing tan bellies that is visible even on wild-type Agouti.

Granted, the majority of known morphs are simple Mendelian recessives.