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This is Seth :D


The Crazy Alaskan
Well, I got my hands on a camera and took some pics this is Seth and his Viv.
Also I want to add in some of the pics it looks like im grasping him tightly, im not its just how the pics turned out, I never grab him firmly. I let him try to go where he wants and if he is going some where I dont I use my other hand to pull up or try to redirect him gently.









Sorry for the messy house in the back ground haha, been crazy around here for the last few days.

Also the lady at the pet store said he was an Okeetee, and im still a noob when it comes to morphs (well snakes in general lol) so can any one tell me for sure what morph he is?
Not an okeetee, definitely a normal, also called classic. Very very cute! I love normals.

But I always cringe when I see a heat lamp touching the screen lid like that, it's just asking for burns. I would take it off and find a way to fix it to something else, just so it doesn't touch the metal.

Also, please tell me you're not using wood weights to keep the lid on. XD That never works. Clips or a specially designed lid are the only way to go. And even then, snakes have been known to escape from cages with clips. I love using the Zilla critter cages, those lids are perfect for keeping snakes in.
Thats not a heat lamp, or well it is but it has a fluorescent bulb in it. Puts off practically no heat.

And there are clips holding the lid on, I just put the logs on as a extra precaution.
O and I have been playing around with the idea of making a cage. Something bigger and that has a clamping lid or something so the snake cant push it up.
Oh! Haha, ok then. Much better.

Making a cage is always awesome, they usually look really nice since you can make them any dimension you want.
Nice! He is a beautiful classic. Not an Okeetee (Okeetees have THICK black boarders and good contrast. They are line bread and look fairly stunning.)
Yours has nice boarders and good coloring though. It is a stunner.

Good-looking setup!
Thanks, I really like him. He is using the hide for the first time right now lol. I have tinkered with the setup for a while trying to get it just right. Of course now Im really thinking about attempting to build a bigger (wider, deeper, and shallower instead of dall and thin) Viv for him and possibly a 2 chamber, eventuallly I would like to get another one. of course it will be a while because I want to make sure I do well with Seth first though. I can see how this could be very addicting lol. I would like to get him a mate if I do get a second one. I know it would be another 2-3 years problubly before he could breed but you never know. Here I go getting ahead of my self lol.
You may be getting ahead of yourself but your snake isn't...He's large enough to breed this coming spring ;)
Really, I didnt think he was even close to being of age. I guess ya learn something every day :D

And Merry Christmas To any one who reads this today.
He's a pretty nicely sized snake.. seems like the perfect starter size! He's a really nice looking Normal, I like his colors and his pattern.

I'm sure over time you'll be able to identify Corn Snake morphs much easier. It's something that comes with time and experience (either with snakes in real life, or browsing this forum!)

I agree that it looks like you've got a nice start to your viv except for the heat lamp. It's not needed and will probably heat up the tank too much. You also might want to go for a larger tank, but that one would be ok for awhile. Add some more hides and a water dish and you're good to go!

Also, I still recommend browsing through the Husbandry section of this forum. There's a lot to learn and it's all just a click away!

Congrats on Seth :cheers:
He's a pretty nicely sized snake.. seems like the perfect starter size! He's a really nice looking Normal, I like his colors and his pattern.

I'm sure over time you'll be able to identify Corn Snake morphs much easier. It's something that comes with time and experience (either with snakes in real life, or browsing this forum!)

I agree that it looks like you've got a nice start to your viv except for the heat lamp. It's not needed and will probably heat up the tank too much. You also might want to go for a larger tank, but that one would be ok for awhile. Add some more hides and a water dish and you're good to go!

Also, I still recommend browsing through the Husbandry section of this forum. There's a lot to learn and it's all just a click away!

Congrats on Seth :cheers:

:D the heat lamp doesnt have a heat light in there. It has a Fluorescent bulb so it puts off no heat. And I do plan on getting him a bigger viv in a few months if not sooner. And there is a Water dish, its in the back right corner. Also I plan on making another hide or two actually tomarrow. That one I made by splitting a birch log in half and then taking a hatchet and carving out the middle so it has a nice hide inside. Then I baked it for 2 hours at 200f then another hour at 300f to make sure every thing inside is dead and to dry it out as much as possible.

Also I have been browsing the Husbandry section quite a bit :D. I enjoy reading and seeing what other people do to get ideas. Im actually thinking about building a much larger viv with 2 chambers so I can have 2 snakes eventually. Im aiming for something around 2 1/2 feet by 3 feet and a 1 1/2 feet tall. So it should be around 6 feet long and 2 1/2 feet deep and 1 1/2 foot tall when its said and done. We lived down in Texas for a while and while we were down there we had Water Dragons and I built a tank close to those Dimensions for them So I figured I would kind of base the design off of that. Except that one didnt have a locking top, this one will. The last one cost me around $100 to build but I know this one will cost more because I plan on building it with 2 chambers instead of 1 and it will have a locking lid and I plan on it being nicer then the last. It will be one of those things That I will work on for a few weeks before its done.

I will just have to figure out how to use the heat pad with a wood bottem. Thinking about maby putting the heat pad on a piece of plexiglass and using that for the bottem instead of wood.
Read up on Flexwat heating tape and go through the old DIY posts for snake rack ideas, if you're thinking about breeding you need homes for the kids too.
ya I was actually looking at some of those racks just earlier. Like I said im not ready to make that jump, but think it would be something fun to do on the side. First I want to get him a bigger viv, then find him a mate. And actually I really really like the coloration of the originals and I looked up the Okeetees and see the diffrence now (that some one pointed it out haha) and was thinking about looking into finding an okeetee mate for him or a I seen a really cool baby at the petstore when I was there that was grey with deep deep red spots and thought that he was pretty cool (if it was a he) looking too. I really like the colors of the 2 in the bottem 3 pics on http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106109 and thought maby when I start looking at getting another snake that I would look for something like those 2. I love the classics colors but I also like the grays (sorry im not morph savvy yet lol) and was actually looking for one like that when I went in. I figured after I get a female then I will start looking to build a rack. I know I sound like Im getting ahead of myself (I might be hehe) but I figured that I want to take my time (that and so the wife doesnt get to upset with me haha) and make sure I do every thing right.

I know see how these guys can become an addicting hobby. And thanks for the comments on Seth :D
The neat thing about "Classics" is who knows what genes may be lurking in their background...Plus they can be great "het makers" paired up to a double, triple, or more combo morph corn...

Yeah having the wife's blessing is a key, so you are on the right track ;)...My wife likes snakes (tho she has a red tailed boa and carpet python, and looks down on our "wimpy" sized corns lol)
My wife she doenst mind me having the snake, she just doesnt want to hold it haha. I had her hold it the day I got him while I fixed something in his tank real quick and she lasted 30 seconds before I heard "Alright, I have had enuph come get this thing" lol. She thinks he looks cool she just doesnt like the way he feels when he wraps around her arm and hand hehe.
If you get a female Anery (the grey ones), then you might be surprised by what babies come out of that pairing! A lot of normals carry the recessive gene for Anery, so you might get some Anery babies.

I think Anerys are beautiful, and that is what my first corn was:

They get that beautiful yellow on their necks as they get older.

But my favorite is the lavender. I have two! Here is Kanti:

Of of the snakes that you saw in the pictures is a Lavender Blood, also known as a plasma. That is what I want to produce through breeding. They are beautiful snakes.
oooo ok, ya I really like the colors. After looking at your pics it was the Lavanders that I really like. I really like the Anerys too though. I like alot of the diffrent morphes though, the plasmas I think just look awsome.
Well We rearanged the living room today (got rid of the christmas tree) and I moved my table out into the living room for my computer and decided to put the snake next to the computer. While I was at it I took 2 of the small hides I made (when I thought I was ganna be getting a much smaller snake lol) and used the bark to make a bigger longer hide so he could fit in it. This is how it sits right now.

This gives you a better idea on how my viv is set up for Seth.






And here is Seth hiding in his Birch log hide.


Now he has a hide on the cool side and the hot side of his tank. I have yet to really see him come out at night though, little bugger. I know the water is dirty in the pics, but the picture was taken before I had took it out and put clean water in.