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2019 F2s Coral X Champagne Stripe


Down with the sickness
Insiders Club
#7 Male Anery Stripe $150
*Updated pics added, they are getting pinker. :)


  • 7 Male An Stripe A.jpg
    7 Male An Stripe A.jpg
    144.1 KB · Views: 131
  • 7 Male Pink An Stripe B.jpg
    7 Male Pink An Stripe B.jpg
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  • 7 Male Pink An Stripe.jpg
    7 Male Pink An Stripe.jpg
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#8 Male Anery Stripe LIVE FEEDER $100 SOLD


  • 8 Male An Stripe A Live feeder.jpg
    8 Male An Stripe A Live feeder.jpg
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#9 Male Snow Stripe. Zombie head, not sure where that snuck in. :) SOLD


  • 9 Male Pep Stripe.jpg
    9 Male Pep Stripe.jpg
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#11 Male Anery Stripe $100 ON HOLD
*Last pic updated 11/9, they are getting pinker.


  • 11 Male An Stripe A.jpg
    11 Male An Stripe A.jpg
    204.3 KB · Views: 133
  • 11 Male An Stripe B.jpg
    11 Male An Stripe B.jpg
    138.8 KB · Views: 131
  • 11 Male Pink An Stripe.jpg
    11 Male Pink An Stripe.jpg
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12 Female Snow Stripe SOLD


  • 12 female Pep Stripe.jpg
    12 female Pep Stripe.jpg
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#13 Female Snow Stripe SOLD
*Second pic updated 11/9, but she is in shed. :(


  • 13 female Pep Stripe.jpg
    13 female Pep Stripe.jpg
    154.2 KB · Views: 129
  • 13 Female Pink Snow Stripe In Shed.jpg
    13 Female Pink Snow Stripe In Shed.jpg
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#14 Female Anery Stripe $100


  • 14 female An Stripe A.jpg
    14 female An Stripe A.jpg
    149.4 KB · Views: 130
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#15 Female Snow Stripe SOLD


  • 15 female Pep Stripe.jpg
    15 female Pep Stripe.jpg
    257.1 KB · Views: 132
  • 15 Female Pink Snow Best B.jpg
    15 Female Pink Snow Best B.jpg
    279.8 KB · Views: 52
  • 15 Female Pink Snow Best.jpg
    15 Female Pink Snow Best.jpg
    199.8 KB · Views: 52
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Thanks Frank! I know I really enjoyed pics of your Miamis in the past. If I remember correctly some nice Bloodreds too. :)
#10 Male Snow Stripe $150


  • 10 Male Pep Stripe.jpg
    10 Male Pep Stripe.jpg
    218.9 KB · Views: 38
  • 10 Male Pink Snow Stripe.jpg
    10 Male Pink Snow Stripe.jpg
    272.3 KB · Views: 16
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