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  • Carol Im not sure what all your breeding these days but im needing some miami's. I thought I would see what you may or may not have going a what I need to do to get on a list . let me know when you get a chance. Greg W
    Hi Carol. So you have any fire or cayenne female corn snakes available aka amel diffused or know of someone that does right now? Thanks
    hi carl. Iwould like tp purcase the aztec miam and the top shelf male . adds up to $125 without shipping.
    my zip is 60076
    please email the additioal info.
    neil@ digitaldoggrahics.com
    or phone 847-329-7303
    neil again
    phone correction: 847-329-7303
    I'm tapping this out on a kindle so there are multiple typos.Sorry.
    hi Carol
    I wondered why I hadn,t receuved a response.Duh.My typo, I.m half blind.
    neil@ digitaldoggraphics.com is my correct address.
    847-329-7393 is my number. I want to buy the top shelf miami male and ask what are zombies and zig zags? And mostly I want to ask ,ead for a top shelf adult male. A new clean colony has been my only serious project. Over the past year many of your friends have suggested I contact you. Especially Catherine T and Don S. I,ve bought most of my snakes from them, all beautiful.Two adult females from Don. But I cN,t find an adult male Miami or crimson. I willing to go Long with any terms including sharing offspring. I jusr turned 62 and am nervous about raising babies for three or more years. Please contact me.I' m serious but truthfully may not last another six or seven years due to a heart condition.You can see my art at digitaldoggraphics.com if you need professional design instead of cash. Let's talk, I' m home every day in my studio. Thanks! Neil Trais
    I see from the CS.com breeders page that you are in CA. Do you plan on bringing any hatchlings to the San Diego reptile show in early Nov?

    Hi Carol! I was wondering exactly what the breed of the snake is on the top of the page, the beautiful pure white one, and do you have any available and for how much? Thanks!!!
    Carol, just wanted to say thank you again! Both amels and the stripe are doing very well, close to a month after receiving them and I just wanted to touch base. They are such a delight! - Lauren
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