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A day at the stables

Didn't see any pheasants except at high speed, but I found a young rabbit in the hedgerow and a red-legged partridge. A walk through the woods with the setters was cut short by Spidey cutting his tongue on some brambles. It looks horrific here, but he only lost about 2 tablespoons of blood and it clotted and stopped bleeding by the time we got home.


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A lovely weekend with the ponies last week,only just loaded the photos because I was on nightshifts all week. The foals are moulting and crazy new colours are appearing. I've never watched a grey pony growing up, so the changes are fascinating. Lola was a dark bay but her new coat is mainly a mixture of black and silver. Luna was bright chestnut and is turning red roan! Joe is in with the mares and foals now and was babysitting the sleeping babies while their mums were off grazing


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Joe and I are working through the Parrelli games together under Cathy's supervision. We were practising lateral flexion and passenger lessons. After some initial resistance, Joe softened up beautifully.


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Oh lovely!

Got any nice horse trekking centre/ schools near you? One of those one day/ pub ride ones?
There are a couple of riding schools, but I know people who used to work and/or keep horses liveried at them and they've told me a few horror stories. After my experience with poor old Midnight, I'm happier to carry on slowly learning the Parelli games with Joe. It's learning how to get him to be a willing partner that's more fun than actually getting on a horse and riding, for me.
(Joe does have 'issues', unlike Nuts, who I was out hacking on before she went in foal. We're planning to try me riding her with the foal alongside in a while, because Cathy's decided not to separate Luna for weaning.)
A busy day today, I was up for Kim to collect me at 7, and watched her have a dressage lesson on Merlin, then I helped turn out Angel's new filly, born 3 days ago. This little beauty is called Alhaja (Jewel). Angel is a Connemara x Arab, the father is Rudi the andalusian.


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Then it was time for the farrier's visit. Merlin had new shoes, and some of the mares were trimmed.
I couldn't believe the change in the colt, Valiento, I hadn't seen him for 3 weeks and he's grown so much and started to change colour. He's 3 months old now and turned out with his mum and the herd of mares.
I visited Nuts, Joe, Lou-Lou, Lola and Luna in the field next door, but had left my camera in the jeep.
Then over to the livery yard for a 2 hour hack out on Pie with Kim and another rider. My nether regions are in agony but I haven't stopped smiling!


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I spent today out with Kim, helping with the horses. I can't believe how fast the foals are growing!


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In Merlin's old stables, a pair of swallows are just fledging their 3rd brood. I kept just missing a good shot of the parents feeding these adorable babies. They'll be off on their migration to Africa soon.


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And why the huge grin on my face? I'd just had a lovely hack out on Merlin, who was a perfect gentleman!


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Merlin has to be my fav of all the horses you have shown us. He's simply gorgeous! I also love the pics of all the foals. They are growing so much. Thanks for sharing with us.
Nothing sleeps as hard as a baby horse! I had a dream last night that I was shoeing- must be because we were talking at work yesterday about jobs we used to do...
Nothing sleeps as hard as a baby horse! I had a dream last night that I was shoeing- must be because we were talking at work yesterday about jobs we used to do...
I'd forgotten that you were a farrier! Duchess had thrown a shoe 2 weeks after it was fitted, I found it and he's re-fitted it. (Erm, probably not the right technical terms)
Of course I know that babies, puppies and kittens sleep a lot, but it really is funny to find the foals sound asleep with a designated babysitter looking after them!
Today Kim had a surprise for me. After her dressage lesson on Merlin, all the yard work and watering the horses out a grass, she'd planned the next step in my riding progress. I managed a quiet ride out on Duchess, the big thoroughbred x Irish draught mare who likes to go fast! She's more used to cantering and galloping, (at her former home she was encouraged to do so) so getting her to quietly walk and trot was a challenge. Every now and then she'd get the urge to move, complicated by being too sensitive to handle harshly in any way. So for the whole of the ride I had to keep soothing her with my voice, keep rein and leg contact, and try not to soil my jods!
It was a whole new ball game compared to riding the cobs, her power is incredible, with a beautiful stride out at walk. I found her trot less comfortable than Merlin's until I started to get the rhythm, but instead of wanting to slow down, she wanted to speed up! Kim took these pictures afterwards, I was exhausted and Duchess just wanted to go out again.


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Sheep! The most terrifying creature in the world, according to Merlin. Kim and I hacked out, with her on Duchess, I was having to work hard to get Merlin to keep up the pace until we turned a corner of a country lane to find wooly monsters grazing in a previously empty field.
Cue transformation from slow cob to terrified cob who wants to run away as fast as he can! Who decided that he really can trot after all and was trying to break into canter. And therefore put the wind up Duchess, who wanted to race him. He was snorting and quivering as if there was a pride of lions over the hedge.
Thankfully all the hours of teaching Kim's been putting into me paid off, I got Merlin collected and controlled into a nice steady pace, calmed him down and didn't lose my nerve. All along the lane next to the sheep I got Merlin to walk, trot, walk, trot, walk and forget about the monsters whilst telling him what a brave boy he is. Having to concentrate on getting Merlin calm meant I didn't have the chance to be alarmed, which then helped him to feel safer. I think Kim may make a rider out of me yet!
I missed when you posted pics with Duchess. Nice, that looks a bit more fitting than the pics of you on Merlin. I like Merlin's looks(and you looked cute in your Sponge Bob t-shirt) but on Duchess you look like you're on a HORSE.
I wouldn't mind finding out what it feels like to ride a strong horse like that. I imagine if you would just let her go it would be amazing and a bit scary at the same time.
Yep, that's exactly it, finally being able to ride a horse instead of a pony or cob was amazing! Going uphill on her was like I've normally been on a pushbike and now there's a motor!
I'm not ready to go fast on her yet, and she has a history of bolting, so Kim's going to give me schooling sessions on her so I can build up more experience, giving me the confidence to ride her properly and build up Duchess's trust in me.
(We started this process months ago with me grooming, tacking and leading Duchess, each small step at a time. I wouldn't quite say Duchess was abused at her former home, but her treatment wasn't very sensitive and has left her with issues, she was totally head-shy, she girth-bites and gets nervous easily. You have to be very calming and gentle around her)
What a lovely thread! Congrats on rekindling your love for equine Janine! The pics are lovely, though I'm partial to the flea bitten Arab :)

I can only imagine what it was like to ride that big girl. After riding arabs for so many years, I got so used to their fiery little attitudes. When I climbed on the back of my friend's Frisian, I was amazed at the power and more so, how much grace that power could exhibit!

I've also found that anything large and woolly other than a dog will terrify the hell out of just about any horse. God forbid we ever came across a llama on the trails... my horses were absolutely beside themselves with fear!

I look forward to seeing more! :D
I can't imagine how Merlin would react to a llama!
Yesterday I rode out with Kim's boss while she was doing yardwork, and Merlin hadn't been ridden for over a week because Kim's just back from holiday in Mexico. Merlin decided to have the wind up his tail and spent the whole hack in an excitable state, with me working to keep him to walk and trot. Buses and lorries made him jump sideways. Instead of a steady plod he was Mr Elevation, literally bouncing his way around the circuit and wanting to canter as soon as we hit open land.
Kim has a theory that Merlin is testing me out, because when I was a total novice he just gave me steady 'pony rides'. All the time I've been learning on him he's also been getting fitter, because he has his dressage and jumping lessons every week. I did lose my stirrups at one point when he was prancing like Tigger, but managed to stop him to resettle and regroup.
The new all-weather schooling area should be finished by next week, and I'm due to start my lessons in cantering! (No pictures because I forgot the camera)