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Alota Lost Weight?? also shed trouble


New member
Alota arrived he on the 30th of december
She ate for me for the first time on the 6th of january,
on the 10th I took her weight and she was 7 grams. She ate again on the 12th and weighed 8 grams on the 16th
at her next 3 feedings she weighed 8 grams and ate each time
On febuary 11th she weighed 9 grams, shortly after she went into blue.

She shed last night, the 17th (she was also due to eat this day), despite filling her water more than usual and her having a humid hide she had a really rough shed. Nadle had the exact same set up for his shed and it was perfect. I had to but some damp moss in her feeding tub and stick her in for about 20-30 min.

I figured she might be stressed from that so I waited til today to feed her and when I weighed her she was 7 grams. I sadly dont have a scale that does tenths of a gram so I don't know exactly how much she lost (looking into getting one). she ate great today though, took a 3 gram pinkie.

Warm side sits at 85-86, cool side ranges from about 72- 78 depending on the time of day, she is on aspen bedding, she has 5 hides and a fake plant. humidity sits at around 40% if you guys need any other info just let me know not sure what else you may need.
oh also I just wanted to add that she hasnt regurged at all I checked her whole tub and under all the aspen when I saw she had lost weight, all I found was poo.

Sorry for the wall of text, next time she goes into blue should I help her kinda find the humid hide? and any ideas why she might have lost weight, I cant imaging going one day more than usual without food would cause that. Thanks for any help, I'm worried about her.
It's normal to lose weight after a shed. Mostly because the snake doesn't poop when blue, so the weight includes the poo, and then poops after the shed, so it can look like the snake lost a lot of weight, when really they just got rid of retained (because of inactivity while blue) poop.
This happened to mine as well, the first shed he had with me when he was about 2 months old. Was weighting around 8-9gr and went down to 7. I thought the same as you at first, now I try to weigh him after he takes his poo. Thay are so small 1 gr seems a lot. After that he kept on putting on weight and getting bigger.
Agreeing with the others about weight and poo, and also don't worry about the first shed in your care. Future sheds will probably be a lot better.
I got my little guy ~2 months ago, had two sheds now, and each time he drops 1-2g. It seems like a lot, since he was only 9g the first time, 12g the second, but he's quite little and bounces back pretty fast, seems like after one or two feedings. Just keep a good record of each food item and weigh your snake each feed, that way you can start to see your snake's personal pattern of growth/loss. It helps to ease your mind, trust me!
I have gotten into the habit of weighing my kids right before I feed them. This way I know they are empty and I'm getting consistent results.
Yea I'm keeping track of everything

after the first couple feeds I started weighing them on feeding day beforee I feed them

Thank you everyone for the responses I feel much better now and probably will feel even better if/when I see weight gain at the next feeding