Shameless Addict
I posted a survey like this over on the ball python forums, and kind of wanted to know the same information for corns as well, since I own and plan to breed both. I know there is no known correlation between temperature of incubation and the ratio of genders in the resulting offspring ((in Ball Pythons or Cornsnakes)); regardless, I would like to compile some data on it as, mostly, a personal curiosity. I do not want this to be a discussion forum about how temperature just doesn't affect sex ratio in snakes, or proper incubation methods, or whatever. And please, do not criticize someone else because they posted methods different than your own! This is intended to be strictly data collection and a learning experience.
I know people are busy creatures, and many with valuable information may not have the time to sit down and answer every question I have, so I have a few basic questions in bold that will aid in the research that can be answered fairly quickly for most. I know, also, that for many of you, even a few answers per clutch is a ridiculous amount of answers! So lemme just say, any answers to the questions, no matter how in-depth or simply they are answered, are helpful and much appreciated~ :3 Just please be sure the information is as honest as you can make it, because dishonesty will only skew the results. I will organize a chart at the end of this with all of the data and post it here, if anyone else is interested. But I could just be a total weirdo.
Necessary questions will be posted in bold, and additional questions are optional. ((Really, this whole thing is optional, but you know...
1:: Number of eggs laid in clutch, good vs. slugs?
1a:: Morph of the mother of the clutch?
1b:: Age of the mother of the clutch?
1c:: Was this the mother's first season?
1d:: If not, did her other seasons lead successfully to offspring?
1e:: Were losses contributed to her, incubation problems, or something else? Please specify.
1f:: Days from copulation until laying ((if known))?
1g:: Morph of the father of the clutch?
1h:: Age of the father of the clutch?
1i:: Was this the father's first season?
1j:: If not, did his other seasons successfully lead to offspring?
1k:: Were losses contributed to him, incubation problems, or something else? Please specify.
2:: Temperature of incubation?
2a:: What incubator was used? Or was it maternal incubation?
2b:: Did the temperature fluctuate during incubation? If so, what was the temperature range?
2c:: Incubation medium used?
2d:: Humidity range?
2e:: Length (in days) of incubation?
3:: Number of eggs that hatched?
3a:: Were there any problems during incubation that caused eggs not to hatch, such as temperature fluctuations or mold?
3b:: Were eggs separated or left in a pile?
3c:: Were the eggs cut or allowed to pip on their own? ((I think this is more for ball pythons than for corns, but you know.))
3d:: Were there any dead in egg? If so, were the embryos fully formed or deformed?
4:: Resulting ratio of sexes, males.females?
4a:: Resulting morphs of males.females?
4b:: Number of males.females that ate the first time food was offered?
4c:: Number of males.females that were/are non-eaters?
4d:: Number of males.females that perished after hatching?
4e:: Number of males.females with deformities, and what kind ((jaw, eyes, kinks, etc))?
4f:: Number of males.females with "attitude" ((you know the ones!))?
4g:: Number of males.females with a shy/hiding personality?
4h:: Number of males.females with a "chill" personality?
5:: Anything else you would like to add?
Questions, comments, concerns, things to add to the survey that I haven't thought of that may be pertinent--lemme know here! :]
Thank you again to anyone who has taken the time to participate in this! <3
I know people are busy creatures, and many with valuable information may not have the time to sit down and answer every question I have, so I have a few basic questions in bold that will aid in the research that can be answered fairly quickly for most. I know, also, that for many of you, even a few answers per clutch is a ridiculous amount of answers! So lemme just say, any answers to the questions, no matter how in-depth or simply they are answered, are helpful and much appreciated~ :3 Just please be sure the information is as honest as you can make it, because dishonesty will only skew the results. I will organize a chart at the end of this with all of the data and post it here, if anyone else is interested. But I could just be a total weirdo.
Necessary questions will be posted in bold, and additional questions are optional. ((Really, this whole thing is optional, but you know...
1:: Number of eggs laid in clutch, good vs. slugs?
1a:: Morph of the mother of the clutch?
1b:: Age of the mother of the clutch?
1c:: Was this the mother's first season?
1d:: If not, did her other seasons lead successfully to offspring?
1e:: Were losses contributed to her, incubation problems, or something else? Please specify.
1f:: Days from copulation until laying ((if known))?
1g:: Morph of the father of the clutch?
1h:: Age of the father of the clutch?
1i:: Was this the father's first season?
1j:: If not, did his other seasons successfully lead to offspring?
1k:: Were losses contributed to him, incubation problems, or something else? Please specify.
2:: Temperature of incubation?
2a:: What incubator was used? Or was it maternal incubation?
2b:: Did the temperature fluctuate during incubation? If so, what was the temperature range?
2c:: Incubation medium used?
2d:: Humidity range?
2e:: Length (in days) of incubation?
3:: Number of eggs that hatched?
3a:: Were there any problems during incubation that caused eggs not to hatch, such as temperature fluctuations or mold?
3b:: Were eggs separated or left in a pile?
3c:: Were the eggs cut or allowed to pip on their own? ((I think this is more for ball pythons than for corns, but you know.))
3d:: Were there any dead in egg? If so, were the embryos fully formed or deformed?
4:: Resulting ratio of sexes, males.females?
4a:: Resulting morphs of males.females?
4b:: Number of males.females that ate the first time food was offered?
4c:: Number of males.females that were/are non-eaters?
4d:: Number of males.females that perished after hatching?
4e:: Number of males.females with deformities, and what kind ((jaw, eyes, kinks, etc))?
4f:: Number of males.females with "attitude" ((you know the ones!))?
4g:: Number of males.females with a shy/hiding personality?
4h:: Number of males.females with a "chill" personality?
5:: Anything else you would like to add?
Questions, comments, concerns, things to add to the survey that I haven't thought of that may be pertinent--lemme know here! :]
Thank you again to anyone who has taken the time to participate in this! <3