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Breeding Plans for 2006!


Down with the sickness
Insiders Club
Here we go! :crazy02: Links to pics will be added as I get the time. The numbers in front of their names are their ACR numbers. Thanks for peeking!

As of February 19, 2006:

06-01 ~ # 2848 SECRET 2 X # 2847 SECRET
Bloodred het Hypo, Charcoal X Bloodred het Hypo Charcoal
Confirmed Breedings!

06-02 ~ # 2860 CHARF X # 2861 CHARM
Charcoal het Hypo, Bloodred X Charcoal het Hypo, Bloodred
Confirmed Breedings

06-03 through 06-06
# 2836 TH1 X # 2893 04 HY LVN BLD PR M2
# 2837 TH2 X # 2892 04 HY LVN BLD PR M1
# 2890 04 HY LVN BLD PR F1 X # 2892 04 HY LVN BLD PR M1
# 2891 04 HY LVN BLD PR F2 X # 2893 04 HY LVN BLD PR M2
All Classics het Hypo, Lavender, Bloodred. All are full siblings.
Confirmed Breedings in 3 of the pairings

06-07 ~ # 2844 RED X # 2842 LUCKY
Hypo het Lavender, Motley X Hypo het Lavender, Motley
Confirmed Breedings

06-08 ~ # 2843 LADY LUCK X # 2842 LUCKY
Classic het Hypo, Lavender, Motley X Hypo het Lavender, Motley
Confirmed Breedings

06-09 ~ # 2804 VHEAD X # 2805 MAMA'S BOY
Keys Hypo Miami het Amel, "Z"X Keys Hypo Miami het Amel, "Z"
Confirmed Breedings

06-10 ~ # 2803 FTWIN X # 2805 MAMA'S BOY
Keys Miami het Hypo, Amel, "Z"X Keys Hypo Miami het Amel, "Z"
Confirmed Breedings

06-11 ~ # 2816 AMEL STRIPE X # 2865 Z MAN
Amel Stripe X Aberrant Morph Z
Confirmed Breeding

06-12 ~ # 2840 SB BLOOD X # 2865 Z MAN
Bloodred X Aberrant Morph Z
Confirmed Breedings. Waiting List Full!

06-13 ~ # 2838 NO NAME X # 2865 Z MAN
Amel Motley X Aberrant Morph Z
Confirmed Breeding

06-14 ~ # 2858 FHS X # 2865 Z MAN
Hypo Stripe X Aberrant Morph Z
Will be put together this week!

06-15 and 06-16
# 2881 AMB STR PR F2 X # 2883 AMB STR PR M1
# 2882 AMB STR PR F3 X # 2884 AMB STR PR M2
All are Hypo het Caramel and Stripe. All are full siblings.
No breeding observed yet.

06-17 ~ # 2828 PUMPKIN X # 2846 LAVA BOY
Stripe Motley het Hypo, Anery X Lava het Anery
No breeding observed yet. Pumpkin is in post brumation shed.

06-18 ~ # 2818 HER X # 2846 LAVA BOY
Bloodred het Anery X Lava het Anery
Confirmed Breeding.

06-19 ~ # 1161 02-001-PH X # 2861 CHARM
Hypo, Anery, & Charcoal X Charcoal het Hypo, Bloodred
Confirmed Breedings.

06-20 ~ # 2845 LIVE ONLY X # 2841 DASH
Okeetee Phase Motley (project female) X Okeetee Phase het Motley
No breeding observed yet.

06-21 ~ # 2825 WSCC X # 2859 AMEL BAMO
Candy Cane X Candy Cane Banded Motley
Confirmed Breeding.

06-22 ~ # 2831 SHELIA X # 2859 AMEL BAMO
Candy Cane het Hypo X Candy Cane Banded Motley
No breeding observed yet.

06-23 ~ # 2853 MHM X # 2822 MMM
Miami het Motley X Miami Motley
Confirmed Breeding. List Full.

06-24 ~ # 2823 FMM X # 2822 MMM
Miami Striped Motley X Miami Motley
Confirmed Breeding. List Full.

06-25 ~ # 2857 CLINT MIAMI X # 2826 TOOTSIE
Miami het Amel X Miami het Amel, Hypo
No breeding observed yet.

06-26 ~ # 2827 WSHM X # 2826 TOOTSIE
Hypo Miami X Miami het Amel, Hypo
No breeding observed yet.

06-27 ~ # 2852 WIERDO X # 2864 COUCH
Aberrant Milksnake Phase Motley X Milksnake Phase Motley
Confirmed Breedings.

06-28 ~ # 2839 LEGACY X # 2864 COUCH
Milksnake Phase het Motley X Milksnake Phase Motley
No breeding observed, I may change my mind and use 2859 Amel Bamo instead.

06-29 ~ # 2863 BUBBLEGUM X # 2862 PINKY
High Pink Bubblegum Snow X High Pink Bubblegum Snow
Confirmed Breedings.

06-30 ~ Mexican Black Kingsnakes - List Full.
Confirmed Breeding.

No breeding observed.

06-32 ~ # 2820 HENRY X # 2870 OBADIAH
Emoryi Corn het Amel & Motley X Creamsicle Motley
Confirmed Breeding.

Pics of most of these guys are in the "Breeding Plans" in my site, but will be posted here soon!
Looks like you have yourself quite the nice line-up there, Carol. Nice!! I hope all goes well with the egg hatching. :)