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Classic Theme Songs


New member
In 1995 when my freshmen weren't even existing yet, I was in a very large 200+ person marching band for my HS. Our marching song that year was the theme to Indiana Jones. It was a crowd raiser!!

Very good theme.


In a discussion of classic themes, you can't ignore Star Wars. It's epic. The most famous theme ever?? What do you all think??


And Jurassic Park... also good.


Gladiator. Recent, but most people know it, and it's been heavily recycled and adapted to other things, too.


What are some other classic theme songs that you love? Doesn't have to be movies.
Don't forget Titanic's theme song. Beautiful!

Or the Monk tv series, "It's a Jungle Out There" by Randy Newman.

And the Twilight Zone series, too. Spooooky! Still raises goosebumps when I hear it :).
Without even seeing the content of this thread, I read the title and now I can't get "Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers" out of my head. Thanks! :p
Khaman, you're right. Intriguing lyrics.

"The game of life is hard to play, you're gonna lose it anyway."

I agree. The guy that wrote the song made more money than the movie did due to the song's use in the series and the popularity of the instrumental version because the producers thought the lyrics did not fit the show.