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Climbing to the top of the cage


I've had my cornsnake for about 5 weeks and its recently gotten big enough to climb to the top of the cage and rest itself between a part all the way around the lid. The lid is secured very well so I'm sure she won't escape but she often trys to turn herself around and falls down back into the cage. Is this ok or is there something I should do to prevent her from doing it. I hate to see her fall in case theres a chance of injury.
My snakes went through that phase with no harm done. Mine were falling into a soft bed of Aspen though, so you may have different results if you have a hard floor like the astroturf. I'd be surprised if you have any serious problems though.

I added diagonal climbing branches to my vivs. The snakes seem to enjoy climbing on them, and it stopped them from falling as they now have something to grab onto.

Hope this helps,
Sits up in the lid?? Can't say I've ever heard that one!!!:dancer:


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Wierd, i took the same picture last night, and ur snake looks really similar to mine. thanks for the advice guys.
I'm in the works on setting up my snake in a larger "old tank". A 24"x12"x12". I think it's a 20 gal. But anyway, I had to buy a new screen cover for it, that caps the hold top of tank and that will leave an edge for the snake to crawl like your picture. But I think might try to fill the edge in silicone, troweling off the excess with a putty knife and drying time or filling it in with wood to prevent that for happening. Hot glue some straws in there. ( glue in the ends is a must)

Just a thought :)
Hi Bill

Mine enjoys perching on her themometer cord :shrugs:


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They're so cute when they do that--It's like they're hiding up there. *You can't see me*
Just be careful if you take the lid off, to make sure they're in the tank...I know of some that have lost snakes because they thought they were in their hide boxes. They took off the lids, and the little ones escaped while they were loking for them in the tank. :sidestep:
Meijers sells great stuff called "aquarium sealant" that can be used for filling in that ledge. In my opinion it worked much better than using hot glue and straws (or aquarium tubes cut in half like I used the first time I tried) because it left a much cleaner ledge and it didn't start to come off after a while (!). It's the same product that many people use to hold the sides together when creating their own tanks.
that looks like my sunshine she does the same thing when shes hungry then i feeds her and she chills. i started with one okatee and now i have a amel, a anery striped and an anery aztec and an allways having to stop myself from buying more. have fun ..... :) :) :grin01: :wavey:
Great Hiders

A few nights ago I was looking for my new snow. She likes to hide in the aspen so that is where I was looking. I went to bed thinkin' where the heck is she, and thought I had latched the lid. The next morning I asked my family to look in the viv and find her. We had a missing snake. I found her safely tucked away in my panties!(in the drawer of course). I felt like a total idiot, she likes to coil up on the thermoter and the "humidometer" and I didn't even see her. Just goes to show we humans (or perhaps just me) are blind and the reptiles are smarter. I felt a little careless as well. Just because I didn't see her doesn't mean she wasn't there! I now have a fool proof method, I don't try to "f" with my snake after I have had some whiskey.
I've had my little ones do the same many times over. At one point however, Houdini found that if he crawled up there like that and used his muscles 'just so', he could push the lid up far enough that he could get out. He was still fairly small at the time and I never imagined he'd have the strength to push up from the bottom of the cage or even his hide and actually lift the metal lid.
After I found him and put him back in there, I watched him try to do the same thing a few days later, this time unsuccessfully, as I had duct-taped the lid firmly in place.

I later moved him to a 20-gallon viv that had special little locks glued to the top edge of the glass. Over the years, that glue doesn't hold nearly as well as when it's new and he managed to get up under there and push up hard enough that the glue failed on one side and he escaped again. Once again, duct tape to the rescue after I found him and put him back in there.

The current 50 gallon has a lid that is firmly sealed in place with a screen sliding 'door' on either side that slide out instead of being lifted up. They are held in place by what looks similar to huge cotter pins that are flanged on either side so the pins have to be inserted then turned to lock and seat. Unless he can find some way to turn the pins, hit them hard enough that he pops them out and then slides the doors out of the way, Houdini is NOT escaping THIS enclosure. Almost 3 years now and no escapes. :)

I had that problem my very first night with my new (and first) hatchling. I used a foam door/window sealer. It comes in a record (music) sized roll. One side is adhesive and this fits almost perfectly! I'm not sure of the brand name or anything, but I would be able to get it to you later tonight if necessary.
To me, this method would be better than a silicone sealant since it doesn't need to cure before the snake can safely be returned home.
HAUZEY said:
she often trys to turn herself around and falls down back into the cage. Is this ok or is there something I should do to prevent her from doing it. I hate to see her fall in case theres a chance of injury.
Mine regularly wakes me up at night with a big THUD when he hits the ground. He's been attempting to defy gravity for 6 years. Don't worry, I've never heard of a snake injuring themselves doing this yet.

Gloto what a sweet picture! Careful s/he doesn't get too big and pulls too much at the cord..!
My snake scared the first time she did that because I opened the lid and she fell off the ledge and I had no idea where she came from. Putting plants, or a branch for them to head for it they're trying to turn around or get down. Just be happy that your snake is out instead of hiding! (And maybe get some heavy books as extra security on the lid)
my 2 yr old corn is always starring at the lid of the cage when i walk in the room he snaps his head at me and just gives me the look "yea I'm tryin to escape, and I am gunna do it" hehehe and he is kinda crosseyed so its pretty funny and my balls are constatly trying to escape all day...i dont get it...will they ever just chill?
My tupperware thing I have my hatchling in has these sliding latches. My snake keeps pushing on the latches as though he knows how they work. I taped them down because I'm afraid he's gonna one day push the latch open and crawl out. Here he is trying to act like nothing is wrong.


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My little guy does the same thing. Here is a pic of him up in that rim on the tank...if I figure out correctly how to attach a photo here. LOL.


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What I did for that was cut a piece of plywood to fit on the lip, cut two big "vents" in it, and attached it to my screen lid. By doing that, I 1) eliminated the lip, 2) Made the lid heavier and sturdier, and 3) it was a tight enough fit that the lid was almost impossible to push up from the inside.