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Crazy escape story!!!


New member
So I have a crazy story to tell that happened yesterday. My wife and I were on our way to are favorite Exotic pet store here in Las Vegas. As we do a lot we took one of our snakes with us. It is a long drive to get to the other side of town and of course too much traffic, not to mention it is like 115 outside. Along the way my wife is playing with our 3 ½ coral snow Hercules. When she was done she put him in his pillow case and let him stay on her lap while she did her makeup. On our way we decided to stop and grab a bite to eat. As my wife went to take his pillow case and put him in her ten gallon purse we quickly found out he was gone!! We were crazy surprised and scared!! I found a small part of the stitching in the pillow case that came away. We started to tear the car apart right there in the parking lot for about 30 min with no sign of him. We didn’t even eat or anything, my wife was crying so much she couldn’t see. I tried to get home as fast as I could because I have all of the tools to take the car apart at home. As soon as I got home I started to take everything out, the back seat, parts of the dash, pulled up the bottom of the front seats, tore out the glove box, everything got torn out that I could. This was all in 115 degree weather with the car still running so the AC could be on for him but it made the car hot for me. I slaved away for two hours on that car with no sight of him what so ever. When I finely decided to quit looking I went inside the house and started to write an ad on craigslist offering a reward for his return. I was thinking he might have slipped out at one of our stops. My wife was getting ready to call in sick to work because she was so upset. I went outside to the car and put a small bowl of water in each of the floor boards just in case he was somewhere I didn’t see. I also turned off the car thinking when the car starts to warm up it would drive him out from the sides and to the center. I kept going out and checking the car. I went out one of those times and there his big butt was running across the back seat, I pulled open the back door and grabbed him so fast he looked like he seen a ghost. We were so excited and crazy happy to have our boy back. I couldn’t for the life of me think where he could have been because I destroyed that car when I looked for him and he is not small. It just goes to show how good they are when it comes to hiding. So I just thought I would share that story with everyone here that has the same love for their snakes as we have for ours. If you have any stories like this with a happy ending please share.
It's always such a relief when you find an escapee, and they are okay. I had a really close call once. My male Abbott's Okeetee somehow escaped out of his feeding container on feeding day and was missing for a couple of weeks. We thought we had looked everywhere. One day I was doing the dishes and was just about to run the garbage disposal, when a saw a flash of movement in the sink drain. I looked down inside, and there was my okeetee. He was totally fine, but I had been about one second away from chopping him up in there. I'm SO glad I noticed him.... and now that is one of the first places I look if any of them get out.
Kind of different in a moving car...I think I would of freaked just like the wife. I am glad it had a happy ending.
Wow! Nice save.
One time, I was feeding my snake in his feeding box. and that box is pretty tall and I was sure he couldent get out. So I fed him and he was done, I put a hide inside the box so he could rest for a while. Turns out he used the hide as a boost to get out. when I came back and didnt see him, I turned cold and my heart started pounding. I lifted the box (that was on my bed) and the little guy was all cozy curled up on my bed. He looked at me like he was saying "awww...c'mon! I was taking a nap!". Such a close call for me...
I had a similar thing happen to me!

I also had this one escapee... She was a fluorescent (the sister to the female we bred this year). She got out of her cage sometime during the night last October (2009) in our snake room (a built on attachment room to the house), and she was GONE. We hunted but never found her...

In March of this year, we were setting up an area for a garden in our patio, in the backyard, at the opposite end of the house, when we see a flash of neon orange... it was the missing fluorescent! She had been out for 6 months, and made her way out of the snake room, through the backyard, past 3 labradors, and into the patio. She had dug little snake dens all over the garden area.

Well... two weeks and 2 feedings later, she escapes again!

I am still looking for that girl... Dunno where she went, but I half-expect to see her outside every time I go outside.
Our big girl got forgotten in her feeding tub yesterday...luckily she turned up this morning under the snake shelf, but not until after I had scattered flour all over the carpets. X|

OP- We just about had to deconstruct my sister's car last week after her cat decided to wedge her fat tush under the driver's seat. About 30 minutes in the 100* garage later, we got her out. But at least we could see where she was hiding!

My friend's little escapee was missing for 3 weeks and assumed gone for good when the little amel decided to dangle out of the ceiling vent over the hapless roommate as she brushed her hair...Silly girl was a bit traumatized and insisted on exiting her bedroom through the window instead of walking by the vicious baby corn snake again. :rolleyes: