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Do I need heat?


New member
My house stays around 76 to 81 during the spring, summer and fall months. At night I drop the temp so I can sleep better. (72) Never really had an issue and during the winter I guess I keep the temp in the house around 70 (ish) and at night it can drop to around 65 or so.

I live in Florida so the winter months are not really that bad. I have a W. Hog that does great with no light or heat. He gets room light from the window in the room (Large bay window)

My next question is... I am thinking of using a CHE for the first time (During winter nights or just after they have ate) I am having a custom cage built. 48LX27WX17 So the heat (CHE) will be around 15 to 16" away from the snake. What WATT CHE should I use? I was thinking 60 to 75W? How far do the CHE reach?
Is CHE ceramic heat emitter? As for your question, I never used heat on my cornsnakes until this past year (I live in TX). They did just fine, always ate, shed, bred, etc without hitch. So I think that for you heat is also optional. The only reason I started using heat, is that I wanted to start breeding season earlier this year. Normally they would brumate with the natural temps, which meant they wouldn't be ready for mating until late Mar/early Apr. So this year I used heat to warm them up earlier so they'd breed on my schedule.

If you do go for heat, I'd try to go for belly heat, either with a UTH or flexwatt. I personally love flexwatt as it's cheap, easy to use, and works very well.
IF you're house is 76 to 81 I don't think you really need extra heat. Keep a thermometer in the viv and if it's not staying up at 80 then I'd add some heat to one side.
So long as there's a sufficient gradiant in the tank you'll be fine without a heat source. If you need one though you're best off with either flexwatt or a UTH which are plugged into a thermostat so that it doesn't get to hot.
New corn snake owner

I was also wondering the same thing about heat. I got my little guy a wk ago & was told by the breeder that I would not need to use any heating source, that they regulate their temp very well. BUT I have read in the books & online differently. I have a Motley Candy Cane. He's about 14inches long & was told 7wks old. I am concerned about lighting. Due to his coloring.

that they regulate their temp very well

I think there must be some wires crossed somewhere. The one thing that snakes CAN'T do is thermoregulate - that's the key characteristic of being cold-blooded.

However, if the temps where you are, are similar to Florida, then you may be able to keep it without a heat source. What sort of temp range do you have in your house, throughout the year?