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"eye caps"


New member
Hi guys,

I'm wondering, everyone says, "make sure the shed is complete"

My question is this; "Is it obvious"?... "if the eye caps don't shed"?

This is SneakySnake's third shed, all looks good, but I'm not really sure what what I'm looking for.

Thanks to all!complete
The easiest way to check if the eyecaps shed is to look at the shed skin. The eyecaps look like two round scales.
Terri, Hi, nice to see you again, I guess I didn't ask the question too clearly, sorry. What I want to know is, if the "eye caps" were still on the snake, can you tell? Will the eyes be cloudy, or look bigger, or what? Thanks!
The eyes look pretty normal; they are not cloudy and do not look bigger. That's why Terri wrote that the easiest way to tell is to check the shed skin. All you might see on the snake is a tiny scrap of old skin still attached at the eye. And the skin might be torn off close enough to the head that you couldn't even see that.
You can definitely tell if there are several layers of old scales. The eyes look milky and dried. I have seen a Ball Python that was mostly blind because the owner had failed to take action regarding the eye caps.

Always check the shed for tail tips and eye caps.
Hello again :)

It's another story if the eye caps remain on through more than one shed. You may start getting some cloudiness or it may look like the eyes are bulging.

Retained eye caps can damage the eyes. We treated a ball python for retained eye caps, and his eye was permanently damaged. He had several layers of eye caps on. After we finally got the eye caps off, one of his eye's had a sort of sunken look about it, and it was also scarred. That was a couple of years ago. I saw him again a couple of months ago, and his eye still looks the same.

The easiest way to check is to make yourself get into the habit of simply looking at the shed skin. Otherwise, you may not realize that there is a problem until it is too late.
Thanks Guys, One more question, Say on one shed, you don't see the "eye caps", but on the next shed, they are obviously there, can you then assume that all is well? Sorry to be a pain, just a nervous new owner.
The Cornsnake Manual tells you how to do it using a pair of tweezers, or starting it with your fingernail. Snakes eyes are tougher than ours because having no eyelids, they have to be able to go thru bushes and such.
Thanks Meg,
I did see that in the CSM, I was just concerned, because the "eye caps" are not always "with the shed", I swear, my little guy must do some real gymnastics, when he decides to slither out. I have lots of rocks and branches, trust me, he uses every one!

I think the people here, have made me, if not the snake feel 100% better, now I can quit staring at him.
Cypher2004 said:
if the eye caps are missing on a skin shed, how can u get them off the snake without hurting them?

I've read, in addition to using tweezers, that you can place your snake in deli cup, bag, box or whatever, filled with wet paper towels. Let them stay there overnight, and in the morning try to dislodge the stuck eye cap scale by gently rubbing the eye with a wet paper towel.

If either of our snakes ever has this problem, I think I would be inclined to give them until their next shed to resolve the issue before I tried to extract the scale manually.

Never fear Lesa! I'm as paranoid as you are about my girl. It's great to have this site to help out!
You can also try to remove the eye caps by softening them up (either with soaking or placing the snake in a container with moist paper towels). then taking a loop of scotch tape (turned sticky side out) and gently rolling it across the eye caps.

I would not advise using this method if several layers of eye caps are retained.
Is this really an issue for anyone??

To be completely honest, I have never personally witnessed a single case of stuck eye lids on a corn out of literally thousands ond thousands of sheds. As long as your snake is shedding normally, this shouldn't be much of a concern.

Get into the habit of checking for tail tips and eye caps. No fuss, no mess. ;)
i always check the shedded skin to check for missing bits, but so far so good all my sheds have been nice and complete, speaking of which my snake is due to shed any time now :D