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How big?


New member
I have heard that cornsnakes get about 4 - 6 feet long, but how thick in girth are they as adults? See, I am thinking of getting a ball python as my second snake in the next few months, but, do these ball pythons grow to approx. the same size or are they much bigger and thicker?
BPs Are MUCH bigger(long) and MUCH wider they can get big enough to eat adult rats rabts and baby pigs Cornsnakes end USUALY at adult mice Never seen any go bigger myself
Actually ball pythons and corn snakes get to about the same length - the 4-6 ft area. Ball pythons are much larger around, though. Compare a minimum BP female breeding weight of 1500 grams, and a minimum corn snake female breeding weight of around 250-300 grams.
That's what I thought... are cornsnakes easier, or lighter, to carry around your neck than ball pythons once grown? If anybody has a pic of holding a corn snake it'd help seeing how big they really get.

The reason for these questions is because I initially wanted a big ball python-magnitude snake, but don't know if they'd get too heavy to carry around like giant anacondas. But that's a different subject.
well Me personaly wouldnt trust a big ball python around my neck hopefuly you never make it mad or ull look like this:)eek: )
I personnaly wouldnt worry about a BP around your neck They arent too heavy IMHO but to each their own. And I would definately NOT worry about it trying to strangle you! Now if it were say a 10ft plus 50lb snake yeah I would say you could worry about it but I have own multiple Boa species some of which got 6-7ft long and weighed 15lb's that would strangle you at feeding time if you got too close, Now that didnt really hurt but you could feel alot than it kinda went away and I have held/watched BP's they rarely do that but they might if they are grumpy or fresh imports.
Cornsnakes end USUALY at adult mice Never seen any go bigger myself

I suppose it would be surprise to you to hear that most of my (edit) adult (/edit) corns could take weanling rats with no problems? I have some that are feeding on small rats, a couple that can take mediums, and one that if I had any large rats to give it, could probably manage. ;)

Most corns 'end at adult mice' because their owners never try to feed them anything bigger. And to do so would require switching over to rats.

Needless to say, I never feed live. Rats can do a serious amount of damage to a cornsnake, and I have no wish to risk it.

revxus said:
I have heard that cornsnakes get about 4 - 6 feet long, but how thick in girth are they as adults? See, I am thinking of getting a ball python as my second snake in the next few months, but, do these ball pythons grow to approx. the same size or are they much bigger and thicker?
Ball Pythons get to be about as big as a soccerball in girth. They also grow to be about 8 to 10 ft. long way bigger than a Cornsnake.
RyanR said:
BPs Are MUCH bigger(long) and MUCH wider they can get big enough to eat adult rats rabts and baby pigs Cornsnakes end USUALY at adult mice Never seen any go bigger myself
My Female Cornsnake is about 2 years old and she is about 6 and half feet long. Her girth is about 4 inches. And she eats rats or if I feed her gerbils she'll usually eat 2 to 3 at a feeding.
Big snakes in your parts

Just curious, but do you live near a nuke plant or under high voltage wires?? :eek1:

Are you sure about the length of the corn? That is an unbelievably big corn, especially a 2yo female. Might be a record........
Her girth is about 4 inches
Sorry but I find that to hard to believe that your 2 y/o is 6 & 1/2ft long and 4"s in girth, sorry but nope! Also BP's don't get any longer than 6 & 1/2ft and do not get as round as a soccer ball I don't know where you got this info but it is way over exaggerated.
BPs compared to Corns

I have eight ball pythons and eight corn snakes. The BPs are much bigger in girth, but not much bigger in length. I think the male BPs tend to be a bit smaller than the females. I have a six year old male and four year old male that are not much over four feet. I also have a couple of three year old females that are just under four feet. I may be wrong but anything over six foot would be considered a big snake. They definatly are no problem to have around my neck at all. They do get a little tight every now and then. I just unpeel them and let them start over. My two year old corns,I have three are all in the range of 32" to 36". Just my experience with the two species.
Re: Re: How big?

Craig said:
Ball Pythons get to be about as big as a soccerball in girth. They also grow to be about 8 to 10 ft. long way bigger than a Cornsnake.

I think you are thinking about Burmese Pythons...except they grow longer than 8-10 feet. I've NEVER seen a ball python get to be as big around as a soccer ball OR 8-10 feet long.
Re: Re: How big?

Craig said:
Ball Pythons get to be about as big as a soccerball in girth. They also grow to be about 8 to 10 ft. long way bigger than a Cornsnake.

That is simply ridiculous, ball pythons get nowwhere near a soccerball size whoever you get that from is simply wrong.
Nor do they reach 10 ft. --max is six but few get more than five.
You obviously have you pythons confused.
From what I know, Ball Pythons get to around 5-6ft and can get to 1 1/2 tim the thickness of a Pint Glass (beer glass). I hink the recored in lenght of a ball python is around 7ft. Look at www.ssnakess.com. Its a great site for help on ball pythons. I have keep a ball python a from what I can tell, hey are GREAT snake, but the down side is that they cn go on hunder strikes for around 6 months.


Oh man,

I am getting dizzy when I hear about people that want to get themselves a ball python or any kind of snake to dangle around their neck!!
Get something like a chain if you want jewellery!!!!!

I have ball pythons and can say that they get around 1,50m (that's about 5ft) on average. some may bigger (females) some may smaller (mostly the males).

They eat anything up to big rats and maybe baby rabbits. Baby pigs are definitly not their size.

Well they could strangle you just by their strength but they are not big enough to wrap around you so you can act and do something about the strangling. A tigerpython for examp[le is getting bigger and could easily strangle you.

Just out of experience: Ball python are not as easy to keep as cornsnakes. They need a special climate and higher temperatures than corns. They can be very fussy about their food and not seldomly balls die of starvation simply because their owners can't get them to feed.
They are easily stressed and mostly do not move much, i.e. that they are not "as much fun" as a corn is.

Please consider these things first when thinking about a ball python.

My Ball Python is just as active as my corns if not more active.

Anyway here is a picture of my Ball Python. She was born in 2003 and is just under 3ft. IS THIS THE TYPE OF PYTHON YOUR TALKING ABOUT, Craig??? :eek:

(I hope you dont mind me putting in this picture, Rich)


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