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how long is your corn/s?


CornSnakesAreAwesome :)
As the title says, just wondering how long peoples snakes are, i have a thread up about measuring my corn snake (tango) he is 5 ft 1in.
  • how much bigger can corn snakes get?
  • how long is/was the biggest corn snake in captivity?
  • how often do you measure you snake?
Thanks everybody :)
I have just babies/ yearlings.... I measure them once a month... My oldest is 30 inches... then 25,22,20,20, 15, 13.

and i found this for the other questions

Anyhow, in terms of years, I believe the longest case on record was a female corn snake that lived at Jacksonville Zoo, Florida, so contacting them may confirm this. As I recall, it lived to an incredible 33 years. The 'norm' is generally thought to be 15-20 years.

As for linear length, around 6 feet is the longest known corn snake - anything over 5 feet being large. They vary in size quite a bit, though, and anything from 3 feet to 5 feet is perfectly normal for an adult corn snake.
Do they constantly grow or do they stop at a certain age?
Im converting a 42"x22"x18" unit into a vivarium for 'tango' and would hate it if he outgrows that one too!
He's in a 36"x18"x15" at the moment but its too small for him, so will be getting a beardie to gomin that once tango is in his new home
Snakes grow their entire life. However after around 3 years old the growth rate slows way way down.

My first snake I thought was going to easily hit 5ft or even 6ft by the time she was three. At one year old she was 34" long. But that rapid growth did go down. She measured 42" on her third birthday (or should I say hatchday?).

I haven't measured any of my snakes for a while. I found it easier to measure them with a cloth measuring tape. I have lost it and keep forgetting to buy a new one.
The last time I measured my big boy he was 5 feet. I haven't measured him in the last year or so. He makes all my other corns seem tiny when in fact they are very normal. His son is quickly catching up so I don't think he will stay the only big boy in this house.
I liked the serpwidget to measure Shivers. He's 4' 7" so he is a big boy! My biggest. I Gould measure my others..
According to Serpwidgets, Wadjet was 4 feet, 2 in before her last shed. Of course, we were told she was 2 1/2 feet long when we first were contacted about her availability for adoption ;). I figure it's because she never stretches out straight! Since she's somewhere between 5 and 6 years old, I'm guessing she's probably not going to grow much more.

FWIW, I saw an adoption ad for a 2 1/2 foot Ball python. I'm guessing he's also about 4 feet, based on the photo, since the person holding him looked to be a normally sized adult human. I wonder if 2 1/2 feet is what the adoption groups figure people think a pet snake should be?
Those of you with 5 ft snakes...how are you measuring them? I used the serpwidgets measure on my Okeetees and they were approaching 5 ft but hadn't made it there and they were large snakes. I've rarely seen a true 5 footer and most are measured using shed skins (very innacurate). My locality Okeetees were my largest at 4'8" long (measured using the serpwidgets measurer or it's equivalent back then) the rest of my snakes rarely made it over 3 1/2 ft. My amel I think was about 41" when I gave him to a school and around 580 grams. My Locality Okeetees were almost 800 grams. Very robust snakes.
Oh and also as far as your answers: 6ft 1" is the record for a cornsnake so I guess potentially that's as large as you're going to find-most will never reach that. I used to measure every few months until they reached adult growth, but now I rarely do.
I normally use serpwidget or if I happen to find one stretched across the front of their tank I will put a mark at the tip of their nose and tail with a marker then measure that. That seems to be a little more reliable then the serpwidget because you can even fudge that if you don't draw the lines correctly.
does anyone breed for size? i'd buy a pair of behemoths. my first corn ever was a classic that got to be just over 5ft. i appropriately named him fluffy.
I used this photo to measure mine

Then laid out some string in the same place, and measured that, i tried that serpwidget thing but it was about 10" off
How exactly do you make an accurate measurement that way? You're guessing as far as the curve and the ending.....I've found the serps measurer to be pretty accurate as long as you stay in the middle of the snake and follow the curves. Even measuring several times it's usually very close.
I laid down the string in the exact same position, end to end, curves and all. Oretty self explanatory really. I have tried an app from google play his morning, cam back at 4'11" and 5'2" on the two attempts i did.
So my method was very accurate, thanks for doubting me.
didn't say I doubted..said I didn't think that you could any more accurately lay out a string looking at a picture than the program. I haven't had a difference in size using the program of more than a 1/2". Not sure how you can have such a big difference if you stick to the middle of the snake's body each time and go from head to tail.