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Is she pregnant????


Beginner breeder!
I think my female is pregnant (gravid). Her lower half has gotten a bit fatter, and I was putting one of my 2 males into her cage each night for about a week, and that was a month ago. Now she is ready to shed (possible pre-egg laying shed?) So I wonder what you all do to tell when your female is gravid. I got a large sterilite container, and put some moistened sphagmum moss in there, and cut a large round hole on top, and she climbed right in and buried herself. I think she is soaking her skin because she should be shedding today. By the way...my female is about 4 1/2 feet long, and is a caramel corn, and she also has the 2 stripes that go all the way down the top of her body.....(does that mean Motley???) My males are 1 normal, and the other is Anerythristic. What type of babies could she have? Sorry for all the questions. I look forward to hearing from my fellow corn snake lovers. -Don
It sounds that she may well be gravid. You may want to read about it in detail and set up an incubator soon. The moss in the box is good. There's an article on my site about breeding and egg laying that you might want to take a peek at. Good luck.
see them mate??

Well, I did try to give them some privacy, however, the males made a point to climb over her body while I was watching. I left them in her cage for a night at a time, and that was about a month ago. I hope she is knocked up!!!
Only reason I ask is, it is kind of late for breeding/laying activity. However, first time females that are not brumated will sometimes ovualte as soon as they come of age. It is uncommen, but by no means unheard of. If she she is going into shed, she will lay within a week and a half of shed if she is gravid. Another good way to tell is to gently squeeze her body with your fingers as she passes through them, especially feeling along her ventrals to see if you can feel the eggs. You should be able to feel the eggs as she passes though your fingers. Also gravid females usually throw a fit if you pick them up by thier first half without supporting thier second half. Mine always clumsily flail around looking for support. Good luck.
Thanks a lot Carol!

Thank you for all your replies to my post Carol....I see that you are in the Bay area also...I live on Treasure Island. I actually had put the female and 2 males into brumation, but it kept getting so hot here recently!! It is also the females first time to mate. They were in Brumation for a little over a months, so maybe that was long enough to do something to their systems. I will wait and see. Her lower half is definetley bulgier. Well, everyone keep your fingers crossed. I want some babies for the first time!! -Don