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I've lost one last night


New member
My oldest corn died last night sadly I don't know why he was shedding at the time, but the heat was fine and had plenty of water all week and I just changed it the day before yesterday and it looked fine yesterday also his substrate is fine it's been changed last week and I spot clean any poop when I check.

His name is Yoshi and is around 9 or 10 years he looked just fine the day before and yesterday morning I miss him and I hoped he didn't suffer too much.

Right now i'm not sure what to do with him I'm thinking cremation, but I don't know if that would be expensive or not so I might just have to bury him and fine a nice big rock and paint him on it as a gravestone like I did for my tiger salamander.. =(

This is the first time I ever lost one of my own pets that I loved only ones we lost were my mom's hamster and my brothers rabbit.
Aw, I'm sorry. Maybe it was just his time. Just because some live to be 20 or so- it's porbably like people- we don't all get to live to be 100. He had many, many good years with you. He'd probably just like to be in a peaceful place, maybe under a tree, with a nice rock. Maybe it's dumb, but I always wrap them up in something like a little cloth.

Nanci said:
Aw, I'm sorry. Maybe it was just his time. Just because some live to be 20 or so- it's porbably like people- we don't all get to live to be 100. He had many, many good years with you. He'd probably just like to be in a peaceful place, maybe under a tree, with a nice rock. Maybe it's dumb, but I always wrap them up in something like a little cloth.


I wrap my guys up too... usually I use paper towels, but if it is a pet I have had for a long time, or am particularly attached to, I use real cloth of some type.

Sorry for your loss, man.
So sorry for your loss. We always hope they didn't suffer, but one thing I take comfort in after is if they were in any pain or discomfort, they aren't anymore. I'm one for burying small pets in the yard if possible. I have a nice wooded area in the far rear of my property that is slowly turning into a small animal cemetary. The kids at least like to know they can go say hi when they want.
Thanks alot for the help I'll bury him somewhere I live near wooded areas cayote, racoons, and other things like that lives here so I'll probably after wraping him in a nice cloth put him in a plastic bag I wouldn't want a animal to find him and dig it up.

There's a spot by the camp area by the forest maybe i'll look there or maybe somewhere close to the house so I can keep him close and i'll probably use a shoe box to bury him and I am not sure if we have a nice cloth most we have been torn up and no good so i'll probably have to go buy it soon and luckily it's been raining for the past couple of days so the soil should be soft enough to dig a hole. =\

I may have lost him, but I still have memories of handling him and caring for him he was a very nice snake never had bite me or striked just rattled a few times during feeding and atleast I still have my two other corns to keep me company. =)
I'd skip the plastic bag- they can smell him through that anyway, and it won't ever biodegrade. Just get a big rock for protection!

I'm sorry for your loss. Whenever we lose a pet(since I've been a kid), we have wrap it in a nice cloth, put it in a box(like a shoe box that the kids have decorated), then bury it. We put a sort of stone plaque over it(laying flat, seems to deter scavengers) and mark it with the pets name and dates.