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Low temps..


New member
Over the summer, my apartment was very hot (mid 80's), so I didn't have my corn's UTH plugged in. Now that it's starting to cool off, I'm going to have to start using it....but there's a problem. It takes a while for it to heat up, and I'm not sure when I'll have time to wait around for it to heat up so that I can take the temps. (I'm in class or working all day) I don't want to just plug it in and hope that it doesn't get too hot (I have it on a dimmer) because I'm afraid that he'll get burned, but I'm not sure how long I can leave him at lower temps. So...my question is this: Is it safe for my corn to be at temps as low as 70 degrees for a few days? I won't be feeding him in that time, so digestion isn't a problem...I just want to make sure my little boy is safe. Thanks so much!


P.S. I've had him for a few months, and STILL haven't found a name yet :( I feel like such a failure as a parent.

I am by no means an expert, but I don't see a problem with your snake going without for a few days until you can calibrate the UTH. This is the time of the year when they start cooling down in preparation for winter anyway.

Most UTH's don't get hot enough to cook a reptile, unless they're faulty. That's why they're meant to be stuck directly on the bottom glass of the aquarium. Thats the way their built and supposed to be used.

I personally don't use UTH's unless it gets really cold in the house. The reptile room is one of the hotter rooms of the house throughout the year regardless of the temperature outside for some reason.

You'll get it all figured out, I'm sure. =D

As for a name, don't worry, I've got some new additions myself and so far they're just known by their morph or number.

If you want to be creative, you could name it Nemo, Greek for "no one". It's from the Odyssey I believe. The cyclops runs out of the cave blinded by Ulysses, and the other cyclops ask him who did it, and he said "Nemo". Ulysses had told him his name as Nemo when the Cyclops asked him right before he attempted to kill them. So in the end, the other cyclops ignored him cause he said "No one" had attacked him, and Ulysses had gotten away. =D

I knew those 4 years of Latin would pay off. =P
Nemo, it is!

Actually, I didn't post to name your snakes. The only ones I have named are ones my girlfriend liked (and named :rolleyes: )
Take an afternoon when you know you'll be home for the day and start it up slowly, keeping an eye on the cage temp every couple of hours. I assume it doesn't cover the whole cage, right? If so put a hide over the warm spot and one away from it. He'll know what to do.
That's why I like a thermostat. Pricey, but safer than guesswork.:)

I'm using a zoo med UTH, which I've heard are known for being hot (sure, NOW I find out!). I have it on a dimmer switch already, I just want to make sure that it's not getting too hot. I'm afraid that if I put him in there while it's warming up that he'll get excited about the new warmth and burn himself. Before I got the dimmer, it was getting upwards of 120 degrees! OUCH!! Thanks for the info...I'm going to try to get him taken care of tomorrow. :-D


P.S. I LOVE your suggestion...the problem is, with the new Disney movie, I don't want to explain every time I show him off that he's NOT named after a fish! :eek:

Hrm. I had not heard that about ZooMed UTH's. I have one, and I agree it is quite a bit warmer than my Flukers or ESU one.

I just outsmarted it and didn't stick it to the aquarium. That particular aquarium is on a wire rack shelf, and I just laid the UTH under the aquarium with a good bit of space between the UTH and the bottom of the tank. Doesn't get any hotter over the UTH on the inside than 85F.

LOL about the "Finding Nemo" statement. I understand it all too well. I play on an online MUD and my character name is "Quetzalcoatl". I get so sick of little 15 year olds saying I stole the name from Final Fantasy games I could just spit. Shows the average intelligence these days, kids are more interested in the vernacular of video games than they are about ancient cultures. Had they bothered to even simply read about Aztec mythology in an encyclopedia, they'd have known it was the Winged-Serpent War god of the Aztecs. ;)

Then again, my snakes are named for all sorts of stuff:

Hecate (motley, Greek witch goddess)

Diablo (stripe, with devilish eyes)

Frost (he's a snow)

Trix (amel, her head pattern looks like the Trix rabbit)

Schnee (a blizzard, her name means snow in German),

Parkay (a butter, duh =P)

Kingsford (a charcoal)

Spectre (a charcoal ghost)

Ungeheuer (an Okeetee, means Monster in German, he has a nasty temperment),

Ripley (a pewter, named for lead character in Aliens movie)

and Hicks (bloodred, also for character in Aliens movie).

So just think about some characteristic about your snake, and try and elaborate on it into a name. Mythology of some sort is always a good place to start.
Hmph. Not all 15-year-olds are final fantasy addicts, I assure you. I very well know that it comes from Aztec mythology.
I was unoriginal and just named mine Draco. Latin for dragon or serpent. Fitting, eh?

I tried a exo-terra 'Heat Wave' mat, which got too hot. Now I'm on a 75W heat lamp which is working fine.
I like the warmness of the zoo-med ones; you can pile on a bunch of substrate and it is still a nice warm side to digest and relax.:)