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My first hatchling EVER!!! WOOHOO!


Beginner breeder!
So here he is....Looks like a little Anery! As far as I know this is her first time laying, and she mated with my What I think is either a normal or sunkissed, and she also mated with my Anery. She is a normal, so does this make her het for anything??? Also...I will post a pic of the little thing that was still attached when he came out of the egg. 7 more to go still! Now...can anyone tell me if the thing will just fall of? I put him in the rack I have waiting for them from Boaphile plastics with some moist paper towels, and some water. Thanks for any info. None of the others have pipped yet. Cant wait for them!!!


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Here is he again

I had a couple more questions...How long do you usually wait to have them "popped" and how long do you wait for the first meal? Thanks a bunch!


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congrats on ya new one!, I have never bre yet but from what ive heard you should wait for the first shed before offering pinky mice, dont know how long this takes but ive heard can be a week or 2. Good luck and enjoy
Congrats on your new baby!

Ok, here are the answers to your questions (assuming I caught them all! ;) )

1. Yes, your female is definitely het for anery.

2. That "thing" that came out of the egg with the baby is the equivalent to the umbilical cord in mammals. Usually it comes off before they leave the egg, because if it were to catch on someething as the baby crawls around, it can actually pull the baby's intestines out. I don't mean to alarm you with that (although I know it does), but it VERY important not to get impatient when eggs are hatching. DO NOT try to coax the babies out of their eggs too soon. If they think a predator is about to eat tham and their clutchmates, they may make a run for it, and drag their intestines out in the process! It is a very sad thing to wait so long, become inpatient, and then destroy what you've been dying to see!

I'm not saying you did pester the eggs in any way, but that's how it usually happens. So if you did, I understand, but don't do it any more! :D

3. The baby will usually shed in about eight days, and its internal supply left over from its yolk sac will thereabouts be digested. Then is when you want to offer them their first day-old-pinkies!

Beautiful baby you have there! Have fun with them!!!!!

cute little anery ya got there;) the "little thing" is an umbilical cord,it should fall off after a couple days or so ive read. im still awaiting my first clutch to hatch,due in less than 3 weeks.it is also my very first clutch,and i hope i get a nice surprize from my eggs,like you did with that gorgeous little anery:) please keep us posted on how the others hatch,and how they are all doing.

LOL...yes I did get a little too excited with my first one. Fortunatley...It came off in the wet paper towels, and did not pull out his intestines...he looks totally fine. I am glad to know the female is het for anery....Now I assume that she took the sperm from the anery instead of the Sunkissed. Of course the Sunkissed could be het anything too, so who knows....Anyway, maybe I will fet a bunch of Anerys. ....I will make sure to let the rest come out on their own time. How long does it usually take for the rest to start pipping? This one maybe really strong. he had cut 2 very large slits in his egg, and was just poking his little head out when I found him. He is not Motley because he has a little checkered belly. I was told that the female was Caramel, but she looks normal, so maybe that meant she is het for Caramel. I guess I could find out when the rest come out. I am really confused when it comes to the whole genetics thing. I would have been happy with some normals, but the anery was nice surprise. He looks almost exactly like his daddy. Head pattern is the same too. I will post more pics when the rest come out. Thanks for the help!!
I would cut the cord off with very clean, very sharp, scissors as close to the body as possible and keep it on moist paper towels until it absorbs the "stub". It should be OK.
What I am doing with them

Well, I think I may end up keeping most of them. Another pipped, and climbed out of the egg, but he does not look too good.....very weak, and he has the cord too, but with some blood vessels attached. I am not sure about cutting that one. He does not look like he will make it. At first I thought he was dead because he was not moving at all, but I rubbed him a little bit, and he started moving around. He looks really small and weak compared to the other. He (or she) is doing great. that cord cam off on its own, and the snake is already in his little home. I will keep you updated on the others. Oh...the other one that came out looks like a little normal. Could anyone post pics of sunkissed hatchlings, and caramel hatchling please? I would love to compare them all. Thanks! -Don
2nd hatchling is out

Here is the second guy to come out. Looks like a Normal or maybe something else?? It has a checkered belly. What do you all think?


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one more shot of him

Here he (or she...sorry I keep doing that girls) is in better light...


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CAcornguy said:
and she mated with my What I think is either a normal or sunkissed, and she also mated with my Anery. She is a normal, so does this make her het for anything???
1- I'm trying to figure out the Sunkissed part. I mean, what reason(s) do you have to suspect it might be one? (And generally when someone's not sure what type of "special" normal their normal is, it's almost always a normal. ;)) Also, who did you get it from? And what was it labeled as?

2- Your female is het anery. (I think someone mentioned that already.) I doubt anyone would have knowingly sold an unlabeled normal double het for Anery and Sunkissed, however long ago it was when you got him. Since this is a new gene, I'd think that anyone who was working on bringing it into new combinations would probably put a premium on such hatchlings.

3- I think there was an implied "Who's the father" question in there so I thought I'd answer it. :)

Without raising up and breeding the normal offspring, (and testing the normal male for anery, and if he's het anery it throws even more wrenches in the gears) it won't be possible to be (to borrow a California phrase) "totally for sure" who their fathers are. ;) You can get hints from head patterns and other subtle pattern tendencies, but those will only be guesses.

Basically what you'd have to do is isolate something which is in one father, and not in the other, and then determine which hatchlings also have that. That would tell you those particular hatchlings came from that particular father. (Still leaves the rest of them up in the air though.)
Well Serpwidgets.....

As far as my snakes go, the only one that I actually bought was my juvenile snow corn. The reason I suspect my possible Normal adult to be Sunkissed is because of comparing him to the other Sunkissed corns I see on this website. The female was given to me when she was about 5 feet long, so and the girl told me she was Caramle. She is normal, so I figured she may be het for caramel. I do not know the backrounds on ny of my snakes. At least now I know that the Female is het for Anery. Like I said in a post a little ways up...I am not good with genetics. Please don't try to make a post that will make me feel stupid about it. Your comments about California phrases are rude. I do not comer on this board to make anyone feel bad about where they live. I am not from here anyway, I am stationed here in the Coast Guard. I am from Utah. It does not really matter to me what the genetics are to be honest. I am not selling any of these babies. It would be nice to figure out though, in case I ever do get an understanding of the genetics, and decide to breed some of these babies in the future. My 2 males were also given to me as yearlings, and the guy I got them from did not tell me anything about them. Sorry if I seem to be in a bad mood, but since the first two have hatched, 2 more have pipped, and then died in the eggs. I have 3 more that have yet to pip, so I am hoping they make it. I may sell one of the normals though because someone offered 50 bucks for one. Good deal for me for a normal. (het anery at least I can say) Well, sorry if I seem cranky...I am sure you did not mean to come across how I took it. Take it easy. -Don

Your normal babies may or may not be het anery. It's possible that the anery gene wasn't passed on to the babies if your male anery isn't the father. If the anery was the father, then approximately 50% of your babies should be het anery. This is NOT written in stone, however. Anything is possible.

I am sorry that some of your babies didn't make it! I hope the rest hatch out fine!!!
Maybe I misread something in the mix, but IF the anery male is the sire of your babies, then ALL of the normals will be het for anery too. IF it is the normal male, then approximately 2/3 of the normals will be het for anery (hence 66% possible hets).

However, as has already been stated, since the sire's identity is in question, there is just no way to know for certain about any of the normals until they too are bred someday.

Have fun with them! :cool:
Oops...that's what I meant. I was trying to say that approximately 50% would be anery, and the normals would ALL be het anery if the anery was the father. Sorry:eek:

The post was meant to be helpful, and was tongue-in-cheek, as usual. Thus the emoticons.

As I say, "Learn to laugh at yourself... everyone else already is." ;) (Or "Learn to laugh at your problems...")

On the Sunkissed thing, I find it very unlikely. That was the point... you sounded unsure, and I thought I'd offer an opinion on that since it was implied that you wanted one. I don't think yours is going to prove out, and for the reasons I stated.

If you look back through the forums on posts about "is my normal something other than a normal" (and related posts: "is my amel something other than a run-of-the-mill amel") you'll find a common theme... nobody wants the corn they love to be "common" so they tend to latch onto whatever picture of a "special" version they find which most closely resembles theirs.

I STILL suffer from this syndrome, and even mentioned it in one of my recent posts on the photo gallery. So if you got the feeling I'm ripping on you for it, then you should also suspect that I'm ripping on myself for it. (Which I am known to do, quite often... again I refer back to the "learn to laugh at yourself" philosphy, hehe)
No worries

Hey Serp...sorry my reply was little heavy handed earlier. I was on my way to work, and a bit bummed out. No hard feelings okay? I would hate to make any enemies on this board, as I have found everyone to be quite friendly and helpful so far. Normal is cool with me though! I love all corns. To be honest.....I think Anery and Normal are my favorite 2 kinds. That and Snow, Amel, Lavender, Butter, Caramel, Candycane, blizzard.....I just got word from home that another has pipped and is like 2 inches out of the egg. Pics to come very soon! I am waiting to see if it may be another anery! Woohoo! That was a helpful note to make my night a little better. Well, Take care. -Don