So My Little one is a 7 month old Male, who I have had for a few months now. His home is a 10 gallon tank with a ceramic heating element, 2 hides and a climbing stick. The issue is that we have had a cold winter (for San Diego) and the hot side of the cage is in the 75-80 range, despite never getting to "optimal" temp ranges my Kiddo seems to prefer the cold side. To ensure this is the case I just shifted his hides (one is a shell and the other a log half) and he keeps going to the cold hide. I think this side of the tank is in the 65-70 degree range. The only other thing he seems to be weird about is meals, He tends to eat every 7to 10 days if I offer on the 5th day he has just let the mouse sit till I toss it. I am trying not to worry just seems like odd behavior from a juvenile Corn.