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New Snake, Fed first try. Trouble with second feed.

Have you contacted the breeder to let them know you are having problems? I think they like to find out sooner rather than later. But I'd follow that last advice, with the addition of covering the top of the closed deli with a paper towel or something.
Another unsuccessful night. I have a non-transparent container that has a lid that i put her in along with a slitted mouse... All she did was try to get out. This is now the 15th day since her last feed, how long do these guys survive without food? She looks pretty normal, her eyes may have just started to dull (indicating a shed) but im not sure.
Tell me if I have this right. You are offering food EVERY night? Dude, you are teaching her not to eat. You MUST wait at least 3 DAYS before trying again. Then put her in with the mouse and IGNORE her until the NEXT morning ok? I'm putting emphasis on the points I think you are missing here. Not trying to yell, just want you to realize that you really HAVE to do these to get her to eat. Do not offer food everyday or she won't eat at all. How old is the snake? An adult can go I'd say 3 months or so (like in brumation) but I would not want to see a very young one go more than a month tops.
I wouldn't get too worried yet, about it not eating. A healthy snake can go for a while without eating. But like others said, be sure to keep a few days between each feeding attempt. I had a similar situation with one of my snakes. He ate F/T for me the first time I fed, but refused after. Refused every feeding time after. I tried everything...tubs, cage, wiggling, not wiggling, slitting, scenting, etc..etc..etc... I kept my eye on his weight with a scale. When his weight fell too much for my liking I finally tried a live pinky and that did the trick. He did maintain his weight for a good few weeks, even without eating, but after a couple more he started dropping. He has ate for me every time now when I feed him live. Though I wouldn't try this right away, if you want your snake to eat F/T, but always keep it back of your head if he continues to refuse in the future. It's better to eat live, than to eat nothing at all.
Yea, I'll tell you guys the whole story.

Fed 16 days ago, 11 days ago I tried to feed again with no luck, day 10 I did make a mistake by trying to feed again, then about 5 days ago, another unsuccessful, and yesterday (1 day ago), so I have usually waited about 4-5 days between attempts.

Last 2 attempts I have slit the mouse, and left the snake in overnight.

How long will a snake fast while shedding? from very start to finish?

When should I attempt to feed again?

Thanks guys for all the help
Yes, some snakes will not eat at all during a shed from going blue until the shed comes off. You may very well have one of those snakes. To simulate live food you could dangle the mouse (if larger than a pink) by the tail in front of the snake. Make it dance a little (I know morbid right?) it works. If uncomphortable holding it you could use tongs like people use to flip food on a barbque. I'd use feeding live as a VERY last resort with a corn.
:headbang:I had a similar problem w/my Squiggle...she was purchased at a petstore. Come to find out, I had to warm the newborn in hot water to 104F. Downed the little buggers thereafter.:licklips:
I put them in a baggie floating in the water cup. Just put the thermometer in the cup. I usually ended up dumping & refreshing the water at least 2-3 times to acheive the temp.
Imagine my embarrassment at trying to figure out how to take the mouse's temp! :roflmao:
Alright Now I am worried. I have tried many different ways to feed her, and last night I put a plate with a slit mouse on it in the terrarium. She last fed on the 23th of January. I have tried to put her in a deli cup, but It didn't work, I tried to leave her alone to grab the mouse off newspaper like the first successful feed, but it did not work. When is my next feed attempt and what method should I try? Thanks guys
I would try on Friday or Saturday. Thaw the pinkie, then warm it up like bksbuddha said. If that doesn't work, try a live pinkie on the 22nd or 23rd, the 24th at the latest. If that fails as well, I'd take the snake to a vet.
I think you need to be using a deli cup, covered so it's dark inside, no matter what you are offering. This keeps her in proximity to the food. I'd try live for your next attempt. Thursday.
Have you double-checked the temperatures in the viv? What heat source are you using, how is it regulated and how are you measuring your temperatures?
How big is the viv and what is the set up like in terms of hides etc?
Do you know how much it weighs? Keeping track of the weight? I looked at my own records for my problem feeder. He arrived 9/2/09 and ate a F/T pink on 9/8/09, and weighed in at 13 grams. The very next feeding on 9/13/09 he refused. He did not eat for me again until 10/16/09 and the whole time had only went down to 11 grams. I then got ahold of a live pinky and he eats fine now, with live.