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NEW SNAKE -rescue-


New member
So my friend saw a post with someone who had to "get rid" of her snake, and told me about it. I quickly emailed the person and though a few emails I got the feeling that this girl really wanted the best home possible for this snake. So I was prepared to let her in and show her my snakes, their tanks, etc. Just to show her that Rudy would be getting a great home.

Man was I wrong!
She knocks on my door, I go to let her in. She just says "the snake is in the car". Her mother then brings out a cardboard box with a 5 gallon tank in it, with a rock stuffed in the side with a pair of gloves. The girl then says "this is Rudy... he bites!". I look at the snake and look at her and say "he is 3 years old?". She yes "yeah about 2 and a half". I'm in shock because this snake is about the size of Jinx when he was about 6 months old. The mother then kind of pushes the tank box off on to me and the girl then says "well see ya, thank you again" and I'm left standing there with a really confused look on my face like "WTF? Don't you even care?!"

Apparently not!
I so could cry right now too!

Because... I get inside and take the tank out of the box. Here is a small/skinny pretty corn snake who has NO bedding, NO water, NOTHING to gives off any heat, and only one hide. WTF I'm surprised this snake has made it this far if he really is two and a half years old!

I'm glad I could take him!

Here are a few pictures:



I put a water dish in there for him and no joke he drank for about 5 minutes straight! He was very thirsty!!!!

Also he has not even tried or looked like he was going to bite me. He is a little flighty / scared of being handled from what I can see & tell. I hooked him up with some flexwatt, aspen, water, and his stone and tolite paper hide. He is chilling out right now. I'll have to go out and get him another hide this week. For right now that little 5g tank is going to have to do till I get another 10 or 20 gallon.

I really have to wonder if he really is 2 and a half years old. I mean really can a snake not grow that much over that period of time, or is it just lack of feeding him? If it is lack of feeding him I'd love to know how offten they fed him. The mother said "every Wednesday". PSH! I call BS on that because I feed my guys & girl every Thursday, and well they ALL have grown a good amount. Like I said this guy is about the size & lenght of Jinx my corn snake when he was about 6 months old.

This was the ad:


Well she did do the right thing by giving him up. I guess her mom got tired of feeding him "every Wednesday" and told her that she needed to get rid of him.


Do you guys think he will grow now or if lack of care has really affected his growth and that he will stay small?
Interesting how he went from "very friendly" and "ok to handle" in the ad to "he bites" at drop-off.

Don't be sad. Be happy you have an otherwise healthy-looking corn who is in a home where he'll get the care he deserves. ... and throwing hate stares at the previous owner if you ever see her again is perfectly acceptable.

:twoguns: stupid, irresponsible owners

:flames: intelligent, irresponsible owners

Good on ya' for taking him in. :)

As for his size ... I had some really smallish '05's come in. With tlc's, they are slowly growing. I won't say they've recovered to where they "should" be, but I'm happy with them. Good luck with him! :wavey:
I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't grown much. I rescued a 2+ year old burmese python that was smaller than my largest cornsnake. Less than 4 ft. and about as big around as the amel. It was terribly underfed and the tank was over 100 degrees with the light they had in there. It's terrible how some people treat their animals. With a little food and proper care, I'd bet that little amel makes a big turnaround. Glad he has a good home now. Congrats on the rescue!
Gongrats on the rescue, and good on ya for taking him in. He's a pretty snake despite being small for his age. With proper care and feeding, he may grow some, but my guess is that he will always be small for his size.

:-offtopic For what it's worth, I rescued/adopted an 18 month old ball python that had been in a similar situation. He was only fed when the previous owner had both the time and the money to drive the 45 minutes to the nearest pet store to buy live mice--about every 6 weeks or so. He has been in my care since February, and he has grown some, but not much. He is otherwise a healthy and pleasant snake to be around, but I doubt he'll ever be what is considered "full size".
Hurray for rescuing that corn, he is lovely! I hope he'll grow after all.... are you gonna update on us now an then? I'd love to know if he'll catch up!
Good job saving that Corn...
and he may have been eating, but with no heat source, he had no way of digesting his meal...
kind of like feeding a dog old shoes till he's full.He may have eaten, but he got no nutrition from the meal.
Your new snake will always be small, but will grow some now.

He won't necessarily remain small. If he gets plenty of good nutrition I'll bet he puts on decent size. Corns grow throughout their lifetimes, even if in small amounts so it's not like people who once they are stunted, don't grow anymore. It all depends upon how low the temps were in the house it was in. My corns frequently digest on the cool side where the temps are only in the mid-70's if that. They are all well over 4 ft, or pretty close to it. If they can't digest it at all, they'd regurge.
I reckon with a good feeding routine he will gradually grow to a decent adult size. My first corn was an amel that was about a year old who was the size of a small hatchling when I got her, she was 9 grams and about 12 inchs nearly 6 months later she is about 2.5 foot and 52 grams. All I did was to give her a good temp gradient and feed her the right sized prey on a 5 day hatchling feeding sheduale. It might take him longer to catch up but I am sure he will do it with some love, care and patiance. The only thing i would reconmend is that you keep him on the five day sheduale till his had a chance to catch up fully so he might be feeding every five days for a couple of years but its what will give him what he needs.
sarah s said:
I reckon with a good feeding routine he will gradually grow to a decent adult size. My first corn was an amel that was about a year old who was the size of a small hatchling when I got her, she was 9 grams and about 12 inchs nearly 6 months later she is about 2.5 foot and 52 grams. All I did was to give her a good temp gradient and feed her the right sized prey on a 5 day hatchling feeding sheduale. It might take him longer to catch up but I am sure he will do it with some love, care and patiance. The only thing i would reconmend is that you keep him on the five day sheduale till his had a chance to catch up fully so he might be feeding every five days for a couple of years but its what will give him what he needs.

And feed rat pinks, cut their backs and dust now and then with Nutribac, these are all methods to enhance his benefit of good nutrition!