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OK let me try this again


New member
I'm new here and I'm not really sure if this is the place to post this but her goes


This is my first official clutch or Corn Snakes (as i usually breed lots of Boas and Pythons) anyway thanks for looking!

Is she a pewter or a pewter mot? She's beautiful and this or in Breeding would definitely be the right places to post this pic.
I think she looks like a nice light colored Granite =) I have a male that looks very similar to her.
I inherited her from a friend and she was already gravid......and I have no idea what she was bred with....so it will be like Christmas when they hatch...as far as what she is I was told that she was a reduced pattern anery hurricane! But I'm new to corns so you guys tell me what you think?

Certianly does have the Pewter look to her. What a NICE snake to "inherit" :cheers: can't wait to see what comes out of those eggs! :crazy02:
At first glance, I would have said she was a pewter. But having read what you were told she was, I looked closer and I would have to say that her side pattern (which really isn't easy to see in this pic) does look motley instead of diffuse (bloodred). After she's done laying and has had a few meals, some new pics, including good side and belly pics, may help determine which she is. She really is lovely, no matter what her morph is, and keep us updated as to what little surprises hatch out of those eggs!
When I first saw this thread last night and saw the picture, my first thought was in fact anery motley. The snake just doesn't look like a pewter to me.