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oops i have a male and a female!


New member
ok i have a situation and it woud really help if i coud get some advice.
Ok so I have two corns their both approx. one and a half years old. One is a silver and black, and the other is a creamsicle. I was told they were both girls, after i had them sexed at a pet store, so i proceeded to put them in the same cage. they love each other and get along great! but the other night i noticed the were getting a bit frisky and chasing eachother around and shaking their tails and stuff. Then they started um doing "It". LOL. So i guess they were wrong on the gender part. :cry: So i'm totally caught off guard and don't know what to do. I dont have a lot of money to spare but they are my only pets and i love them! so I guess my first question is do i need to seperate them? because if i don't need to i would rather not, they have a really nice cage and they love being together. but i also dont want to put either one in danger. Also if i just let nature take its corse and she lays the eggs and stuff, do i have to hatch them? and if i do decide to hatch them do you reccomend an incubator? (something realitivly cheap) around 50 bucks? and is there a protocall for selling the babies or giving them to petstores because i really dont have the space or money for more little corns(although i would love to have them). Pretty much i'm really curioius about what color morph comes out of the mix :)
any help or advice woul be great for a first timer like myself.
Thanks all :rolleyes:
where to start... corns should never be housed together even if there the same sex.. since they can/will (not usualy tho) canibalize eachother.. and well.. they could Both be Male/female.. wheni take mine out for cleaning i place them both in a big Sweaterbox and they sometimes do this in the spring (and i know for a fact both mine are male).. there could be a number of reasons they do this. but im no expert so i dont know.. mabey i have homosexual snakes.(which i doubt because snakes arent as evolved as us and there sences wouldnt let that happen)..

but Anyways you should invest in another viv and seperate them.. snakes dont have feelings so they dont "love" eachother and just because they share the same hide doesnt mean they get along.. thats just where they feel the best/safest.

If they really did court tho once you notice the "female" bulge up go ahead and buy yourself a Havabator(basic chicken egg incubator) this is sufficient for snake eggs and will only set you back around 50$

if you have any other questions feel free to ask me.
Hi Jaxter,

One other thing to consider is letting the people you give the babies to (assuming you do get some), that they are not 100% corn, as creamsicles are hybrids themselves.

I don't mean to sound stuck up about the hybrid issue, as I actually like the look of many of the hybrids, but it is only fair to let they buyer/reciever know what they are getting. It is a very important issue to some.

Best of luck, I hope everything goes well for your girl(s)!

Allowing Breeding at only 1 1/2 years old could cause some problems. ON hindsite you probably needed to seperate them immediately when you saw their intentions but in this moment, based on what you have said about having little money to spend, I think you need to use that $50 to get you another cage, because even if you get an incubator, you still need to seperate these two. IF she does lay eggs by chance, and if they are fertile, you can hatch them without an incubator. I think that would be money wasted for you since you need to spend some to seperate the two.

Best of luck to you. And just so you know, this same situation has happened to many people who visits the forums and with some slight husbandry changes all can turn out fine! :)
ok thanks so much for the feedback, i'm kinda bummed i have to seperate them but if its best for them than i'll find the room for another cage lol. and as for the creamsicle not being a full corn, how does that work? do they breed different kinds of snakes to get creamsicles? i didnt not know that
at this point the only thing you can do is seperate them, but just for the record, 1 1/2 years old is way to young for a female to start maiting. She could become egg bound wich could cause her not to be able to have eggs again or even cause death.
The rule for breeding Corn snakes is 3/3/3 (3 years old, 3 feet long and 300 grams)
Since it's a little to late to seperate them before they breed the best thing to do now is give Jaxter constructive advice here.
Definitely seperate them. Keep an eye on the female, give her plenty of food and exercise, and provide her with a nesting box when she goes into shed. Many times females that are smaller than they should be when they breed lay their eggs with no problems, though egg binding is definitely a risk.
If she does have problems be ready to go to the vet if necessary. You will probably get a small clutch if she is gravid. You can incubate the eggs in a tupperware with sphagnum moss on top of your refrigerator or any area where the temps are about 82 degrees- I agree that the $50 would be best put towards a new tank so you can seperate your snakes
If you successfully hatch babies you can probably easily find homes, but do make it a point to let the new owners know they have a creamsicle parent as many people want pure corns and do not want hybrid blood added to their collection.
Good luck, keep us posted....
thanks for the constructive advice, i'll seperate them asap, also does anyone have advice on how to find a vet that does snakes? just incase i have problems with egg binding?
thanks all
Ok well good luck with the eggs (if they come out) and incubating them. Just hope they were old enough to do "IT". I herd a femlae need to b 1 1/5-2 years for the female.??(the male is fine though) Hope there is no egg binding too. Sorry about talking negative.

About the babies..............

I'd sell them at a Pet store. They usually buy them young.

Or you could sell them here!

good luck