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  • Hey there, got your msg about the MBK. I sold mine quite some time ago. I don't know anyone with any, either. There will probably be some at the next herp show.
    Hey Jen, sorry for the late reply. My life has been crazy. Fingers crossed for the eggies!
    Thanks Heather, We made plans to meet along I-5 in a couple weeks to get him, I can't wait. I bet the show was fun.
    So I am needing to order more mice. I usually place a co-order with someone from Rodent-Pro so we can split the shipping. If your interested please let me know asap.
    [email protected] is my email
    It's that time of year again. The PDX Reptile Expo... I can't wait! As usually I will not be planning to purchase any new additions, but high white and albino kings always catch my eye.

    We will also be having another breakfast get together before the show just outside the doors of the show. I was there around 8am then jumped into line around 9am I think. Anyone who would like to come a bit before the show is more than welcome, bring a little something breakfasty to share. It worked out great at the last show. Hope to see you / meet you there!
    Wow, my team got smacked down, it was good afor a bit.
    So I became a member today, guess it takes a few days for silver icon, but I'm excited. Funny don't have snakes anymore, sure do have the desire.
    Hey Jen, good luck to the Ducks today although I'm rooting for the Beavers. Are you going to the game?
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