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Passing the Time


New member
So I move to Arizona in late July, I am going to live with my grandma until I have a job and a car. I cant get my corn snake(s) til I move into my own place but I don't know when that will be. I was just curios to see what you guys do to help the time fly, so far I have not found anything very effective.
Well, I work excessively. Lol.
Other than that, racquetball, swimming, kayaking, hiking/herping, reading, and my favorite, staying in the a/c and gaming. :p
I draw, people tell me I'm good at it, but it does take up a lot of time. I can kill up to 6 hours easy when I get in the zone. I'm also currently involved in illustrating a children's book, so that tales up a good deal of time on it's own.

in addition to that, MMO's are pretty great, I'm currently playing TERA and it's awesome =3
Where are you moving to in Arizona?

Finding/getting a job and car will take up time, but other than that, I would definitely try to get into things that interest you - sports, art, gaming, etc. You could try taking some 'for fun' classes at a community center or college if you have any extra funds.

My two biggest time killers personally are reading and video games.

I hope you enjoy your move!
I'm moving to Yuma Arizona. I do some drawing, my photography keeps me kinda busy but without a car in the city I don't really have a way to go shoot where I want to. I love draw something! My sister and I are up to 152 turns, no one else really plays with me haha. I play some video games currently the only 2 I have out that aren't packed are skyrim and black ops.