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Possible Problem with eggs Help


New member
My female layed her eggs 23 in all and I placed them in a rubbermiad container on damp spagnum peat moss and put the container in a ten gallon aquarium, the aquarium is on top of a people heating pad controlled by a Zilla 1000 watt temperature controlled outlet with temp prob. The prob I placed in the substrate next to the eggs. This brand new temp control malfunctioned and my eggs got up to 98.6f. Did I cook them or will they be ok? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jimi
Do you have any idea how long the eggs were at that temperature? If they were that hot for any length of time, I would hazard a guess and say they have been cooked. But just in case you got extremely lucky, continue to incubate them until you can obviously tell they have gone bad. I wish you luck!
Thank you Susan, I went to bed last night they were at 82f and when I woke up this morning they were 98.6f. I will continue to incubate and see what happens. Again thanks Jimi
Similar once happened to me with the temp making it to 95f over night, a friend once had his hit 103f, as already said i think it depends how long you leave them like it but in both of our cases it was an over-night thing and all eggs hatched as normal. I now use a more reliable brand of thermostat of course though.
Good luck.
It took no time at all at 90 to cook my eggs. If you've had multiple times at high temp, they are probably doomed. That's why I incubate at room temp or at most with a UTH with a thermostat on the side of a styrofoam box.
jimijaw do not give up on them, as stated in my last posted i've had it happen and know of other times and they've worked out fine. Remember, 100F is only 37.7C, it reaches that temperature here in England in our summers now so i'm sure it happens somewhere within corn snake habitat range (the leaf litter etc that eggs are laid in gets very warm indeed), thus they can tolerate this kind of thing as long as it isn't the norm. I'm sure if our grass snakes can handle it then the hardy corn can. I'll happily bet that as long as the eggs are fertile they'll hatch.
All I can do is wish you the best of luck. I have no knowledge on incubating cornsnake eggs but I can still sympathize with you. Again, the best of luck.