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Questions on my New Snake.


New member
I want to first point out, I know this snake is'nt a Corn Snake.. but you all seem to know alot about snakes in General. And from my Experience, from buying Fish/mice for my other snakes... Everyone i've talked to at pet stores.. who have snakes.. have a few Different kinds.. so i'm assuming its not uncommon..

now onto my question

My Friends mom gave me.. her Red Tail Boa.. and a Tank... As she's moving out of State, and needed somewhere for it.. i'm unsure of the size.. but lengthwise its 4 feet. (had to mesure it to find a place for it at my Apartment). . and its about as tall as my 29 Gallon Fish tank... (I'm unsure of the length of the Snake, as its been all Coiled up... but his mom said.. it can go from one side. to the other.. then partially back around.. so i'm guessing 4-5 Feet long... its thinkness.. is roughly the Width of my upper Arm... they said it eats.. a medium sized rat... when they would feed it.

This snake... Has'nt been handled in over a year... they said (I don't know why, They must of lost interest or something) ... also they would feed it every 2-4 weeks. it has an undertank heater.. and a large Bowl.. but they said... it Strikes at you, everytime you put your hand in the tank.. and they said.. that to clean the tank. its best to feed it.. wait till it has the Mouse, half-way down its mouth, then reach in.. with a plastic bag, to clean out the tank.. that way, it can't strike at you.. while your cleaning.. they said, also its fine, after you get it out of the tank, just keep it away from your face.. and not to let it go around your neck.... they also said, if it stiked at me, i'd know.. the strike alone, would feel like a hammer hitting you.. then its mouth is full of teeth... I remember talking to my friends mom.. a couple months ago.. about my snake not eating.. and she said, after she got this one, it would'nt eat for 9 months.. also when they would feed it, they'd put the Rat in, and let it stay in there, till it ate it, either it be a week, a month, or whatever.. (they probbably were too afraid to get the mouse out. or possibly had no where else to keep it)

So I want it to be Frendly again... So i can hold it, and not worry about it striking at me... what can i do... to make it more friendly?

I just got it tonight.. so i plan on giving him some time, to get used to it here. its actually in my room, right now. away from all traffic.. (And our cats)..

but its a cool lookin' snake... i just want to be able to hold it... and have it be happy too.

i'd like to know the size of the tank too... i would guess it was a 55 gallon tank.. just by guessing.. based on my other one...

Anyways.. any Advice or suggestions, would be appriciated.. thanks..

... Dev
Hey.. i just found: RedTailBoas.com ... and they have forums, as well. so i'm gonna ask in there too.. but still.. the people here, have helped me alot with my Corn Snake... So Any Help Would still be appriciated =].. thanks...

... Dev.
Handle it...

The more you handle it the more it'll get used to being held. If it's a biter, start off using gloves until it calms some.
DAND is right about the handling - the more you handle her the more the snake will get used to it. Do you know if it's a male or female? If it's a female it's probably a yearling - females get to be roughly 8'-9' and males 6'-7' although they can vary some. Once it gets used to you I'd feed at least every 2 weeks (or offer food that often). Just a warning, our Columbian is very touchy after feeding and we have to leave her alone for a few days. She's getting better slowly but she has struck at us after feeding. If it eats live I'd get it on f/t if you can. I'm a big fan of it but then it's easier to get out if the snake doesn't eat it (gotta love hemostats). Check the other forum - I haven't been there but it can't hurt.

Yeah.. imma go buy a Rat Today... i'm not sure if its male or female.. I'll Prolly pick up some gloves today as well.. i'm assuming.. if it bites, it won't be that bad.. But also I was told it Like Strikes at the Glass side.. when their cat would walk past... and Sometimes it makes a deep Loud 'fog horn' type sound. as well..
The obvious

If you have other snakes, I'm guessing you already know this one, but just in case, I'd suggest getting a box or some other small container for feeding. That might help calm him/her down when putting your hand in the viv. Hopefully won't mistake it for food once it gets used to feeding elsewhere. But basically, sounds like it was just a neglected snake and you're pretty much just gonna have to start over from scratch as far as socializing it. Good luck!
Yeah.. we feed our other snakes in a seperate tank. (The smaller snakes).. the 2 larger.. we feed in a 5 Gallon bucket. as i've found its the only way i can get them to eat... apperently thats how the pet store fed them.. and my Boa... i have no idea.. where i'm going to get something big enough to put him in, for feeding, i doubt he'd fit to well in the bucket.. our local pet store.. has a couple really nice large, pet display cases.. (Glass and wood)... They're cool... mirrors.. and its up high, as a desk.. for about $120.... (Used)... so as soon as i can talk my G/F into letting me get one of those. i'll be putting my Red Tail Boa, in there. then i can use his current tank.. to feed him with.

.. heh. i just don't want him to Strike at me.. i hear its teeth, can be pretty vicious..
You want to be bit by a rtb? believe me you don't.

I've just (4weeks since) got a neonite rtb,, and he's only 17 weeks old and has bit me once and that was enough, give me a corn bite anyday over any boa.

As to the handleing, Dand is right, i handle mine dailly or every other day, and he has calmed considerabley. If you have to use gloves, then use them as a bite can be a nasty nip which draws blood.

Good luck anyway, they are good snakes if calmed earley enough, just bear in mind that is not uncommon for an adult to reach anywhere between 8-12 ft long, with the odd bigger adult female and the odd small adult (6ft) male.
Its all good.. thanks for the comments... thanks to everyone else too.. i forgot to get gloves when i was out. but i did get a rat, and fed it tonight, and cleaned the tank out, as good as i could.. while he was eating.. i was'nt gonna try to move him over.. He's a quick Little bugger.. imma also gonna look into getting a snake hook.. but i'm not quite sure where i can get one..

If you're looking for snake handling equip. you can go to www.tongs.com . It's owned by some people I know, and they know a lot about reptiles and how to handle them safly.

Where you from DevXen, i know a great online shop in the UK (only ship to UK and Europe tho), but if your from over stateside theirs a few shops/online shops to chose from.

Hana, does the shop you posted the link for ship to the UK do you know? The prices are quite good, it just depends on the shipping tho.
hana said:
If you're looking for snake handling equip. you can go to www.tongs.com . It's owned by some people I know, and they know a lot about reptiles and how to handle them safly.


i read you have monkeys, how are they?? a bit unrelated im sorry! but im curious, another woman i met said she had one, and felt bad because they dont do well in captivity.
oldhand, I'm not real sure about that, but it's very possible. The guy that runs it is really nice and he would work out things like that for anyone.

mooing tricycle, actualy the monkeys do far better in captivity because there's no preditor risk, and no risk of falling out of the trees as babies. Plus, one of our monkeys is a spider monkey, and they do get eaten by people. so, that risk is gone. I know many people that have monkeys that live well into their 30s and 40s, and in the wild they may live to 10-15. So, if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather have regular meals with a nice place to sleep, with no risk of getting eaten/killed well before your prime? I dunno, it seems nicer that way to me. :)

Yeah that makes total sense, I guess her pov was that they dont really have as much room, and you have to be with them 24/7 to keep them stimulated. She had hers for a really long time, but just didnt think that they were as happy being captive.

They seem like interesting pets though, I was looking into getting a walaby for the longest time. But id only go for that when i have a house of my own and a big enough yard for an enclosure.. Ah what it is to dream!
yeah, it truly depends on the keeper and how involved they are in the animals life. 99 percent of people that own monkeys are very involved with them and do their best to make sure they have a happy healthy life. Mine, (elmo the spider monkey, our other one dexter belongs to my sister) actualy enjoys watching rodeos with me on tv. I think he likes all the action. :)
Thanks Hana I'll email for some more details.

Were the monkeys expensive (i imagine so, but had to ask). Their just so unusual.
Ohkee.. i fed the red tail boa.. (it has no name yet).... i like to name my animals fun names... i had a snake years ago. that bit me.. so named him: Sir-Bites alot... my cat.. that my mom has.. i named: DogFood GoneSoon, cuz my dog wanted to eat it, after we got it... i'm still giving it time, before i try to pick it up.... and imma needa give it more time.. cuz we're actually moving at the end of the week...