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reputation points

Some people just give negative points for no apparent reason. I just received (my first) negative rep points from cornman1979 for my response to the question asked in the thread below.

Razorblade Jinx said:
ok, so just out of curiosity, how much do you all handle each snake? time wise? by the way, i got a digital camera and finally got a nice pic of my two babies... (my avatar). cute hah?

DAND said:
Once a week when it's feeding time. Maybe twice if their tub needs attention.

I too have received negative points for just a response to someone’s question. I know the rep points mean nothing but I like too have green bars, because it shows you contribute and people don’t take them away just because they can. When you go to give/take rep points it should have to go through Rick first to see what is valid and what is not.

But this would stick Rich with a lot of work so I guess it will just stay the way it is...

Can anyone help me out here??
I've just got 1 from cornman as well, a possative point though.

Anyoneelse have a good or bad point from him?
DAND said:
Some people just give negative points for no apparent reason. I just received (my first) negative rep points

Must be something in the water around here, this seems to be contagious. :shrugs:
I think the rep points are a good idea, but I don't think it necessarily works right all the time. It's nice to know who really has their head on their shoulders, but there are also some select people on here with equal or higher points than me that I would, under no circumstances, ask for advice with my snake. This is mostly because they just have an insane number of BS posts and not much to actually contribute to a discussion...
I don't read too much into my own points (but it is always nice to know that people are giving you a pat on the back for a job well done), I'm just happy to be part of this forum and being part of the cycle of learning and teaching.

...but one gripe I have (no names will be mentioned here and please...I'm not flaming, just stating it as I see it) is that there's a certain member who hasn't been a part of the forums very long, asks lots of ultra-basic and/or non-relevant questions (that could be answered just be reading a little), likes to despense lots of advice yet does not and has never owned a cornsnake before .....and this person has 2 rep points (as of last week or something).

To someone who is brand new and asking questions on the forum, if this particular member gives answers, it looks as if they have experience and can be trusted for the wealth and accuracy of the information offered when in actual fact, the advice is being given by someone who has amassed their knowledge of corns from merely asking a helluva-lot of questions over the last several weeks. To me this is not on.

We more long term members can keep track of who has been around for 3 weeks or 3 years but a brand new member asking questions about the wellbeing of their snake does not have that luxury....my .02 -sorry it went on for a bit!
TrpnBils said:
This is mostly because they just have an insane number of BS posts and not much to actually contribute to a discussion...

HEY! I resemble...I meant resent that! :rolleyes:
hehe, I just went to check to see how many points I actually have and saw that I've just received my first ever NEGATIVE points...with no coment from a person (who was not even contributing to that thread). I don't see what I could have done to offend them?? Whilst I'm not overly fussed by the need to build up my points to high numbers, if someone is going to give me negatives, I'd like them to tell me why...makes sense I suppose doesn't it?
DAND said:
Some people just give negative points for no apparent reason. I just received (my first) negative rep points from cornman1979 for my response to the question asked in the thread below.

I got negative points from him for my response in the same thread.
Guess he thinks we're doing something wrong, cause we don't handle our snakes everyday.

I noticed that he didn't respond in that thread . :shrugs:
OMG...It was cornman1978 who gave me the negative points with no explination too!!! I wasn't going to mention any names (for risk of being accused of flaming) but seeings he's doing it to everyone else, I may as well inform you of his actions against me too. In my particular case I stated that I house some of my snakes together with no problems...I guess he doesn't agree with that husbandry practice!

Nasty little SOB he's being...huh!!!!! :p

FYI...this http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=125669#post125669 was the thread
princess said:
OMG...It was cornman1978 who gave me the negative points with no explination too!!! I wasn't going to mention any names (for risk of being accused of flaming) but seeings he's doing it to everyone else, I may as well inform you of his actions against me too. In my particular case I stated that I house some of my snakes together with no problems...I guess he doesn't agree with that husbandry practice!

Nasty little SOB he's being...huh!!!!! :p

FYI...this http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=125669#post125669 was the thread
Somebody must have p'd on his cornflakes...........lol
I PM'ed him and asked why and his response was:

Re: Rep points


Originally Posted by DAND
Why would you give me negative rep points for my answer to how much/when I handle my corns? I've got over 300 corns and it takes quite a bit of time to take care of all of them. You pop into a thread that hasn't been active for a few days and give me negative points, why?

Sorry, i didn't realize you had that many snakes, i didn't read the thread properley.
Itsnowingcorns said:
Just checking my user CP after reading this thread, cornman has left me reputation points for my input on the "Do your snakes seem happy together" thread (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=126081#post126081).

But he leaves them for this reason:

UK is always welcome, UK RULES

I'd rather earn my rep points than get them for living in the UK.

:nope: Thanks but no thanks Cornman.

That and a prior remark he made about Americans (that I can't find right now) sounds like little corny has some issues he needs to address.
DAND said:
That and a prior remark he made about Americans (that I can't find right now) sounds like little corny has some issues he needs to address.

MAJOR issues Dave. Apparently cornman is on a rampage. I just got negative points from him as well (with no explanation) for asking someone who thought their snake was loose and my have been thrown in the trash and died, why they didn't check the trash before they threw it out? Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't you want to know? Corny must have too much time on his hands today. :shrugs:
Ich Wisse Nicht (i dont know)

Cornman use to contribute answering everyday questions with good answers, I even think that I have applied some good rep points on his name. I don’t know why all the sudden he is giving out all of the negative, something is weird here... Maybe it isn’t really him and someone is on his name?? :shrugs:
It's not that Mangrove, he didn't come online for ages since the accusations of him having false names. This is probably going to be his...err.... last stand if you like :D. Don't worry, it's nothing personal, he's just being very immature. He has a problem with Americans...

Oh my god, who will his next victim be :uhoh:

I don't think that 2 points is very much and even the newbie know that this person is relatively new. Check me for example; I am here since only 1 month and I have already 3 points so 2 to 5 don't mean a lot in my opinion. But I am with you when you said that someone without experience should not give advices on subjects he doesn't know.

The problem I personally have with these point is when someone as a lot of rep point, say... 18. Some day, on a thread, he lost all is rep point and even became negative (red dot). And when this particularly threat is finished, he regain all his rep point. I don't understand that. The only thing I could think of was that Rich gave him back is points. But if he lost all of it, is it not because he deserved to at least lost some points? That is the only thing I don't understand. In my opinion, this person can also give false informations but he has 18 rep point so for a newbie, it's a lot.

I hope newbie don't pay to much attention on these rep points. I personally take it «with a little grain of salt». If the person seems to know what he is talking about, have more than 5 reputation points and is second by another one, that is great for me. Some peoples who have 2-5 points just posts things like: wow! Beautiful! Greats colors! but we can't do anything with it. I think even a newbie like me that pass a minimum time here eventually know who is a good source and who is not. And sometimes, even a newbie with no rep point can help someone who as 20 rep point.
I think he is behind me AHHHHHHHHHHHH I hear Voices!!!!

For all I know he could be in this forum right now on another name!!!

Anyone got my back?? :twoguns: :twoguns:
I agree...

girlsnake said:
sometimes, even a newbie with no rep point can help someone who as 20 rep point.

The rep power [the number by the green circle] is really just a representation of how many posts, how long someone has been here and how many rep points they have amassed. Say Kathy Love wasn't already a member and registered today and started posting. Just because she had no rep power doesn't mean she doesn't have knowledge.