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Scab on Head - I'm Worried


New member
So this past month I have been traveling a lot so I have not spent a lot of time with Jag other than cleaning out her viv and feeding her. She did have a shed a couple of weeks ago that was very close to perfect, with the aid of lots of damp papertowels to hold moisture in better.

Anyways, today I was handing Jag for about 20 minutes, and I did a once over on her body, checking for anything out of the ordinary. On her head, I noticed a scab sort of thing. I attached a pic - any thoughts as to what this is - should I go to the vet? (For those who don't know, Jag is about 6 years old, I've had her since she was 3 months, and she's never had any problems other than some irritated scales from some rough sheds, but by increasing humidity during sheds that issue is under control. And I do have her vet I could call tomorrow if anyone things I should).

Any advice would be appreciated, as I am pretty worried (Although I haven't noticed anything else abnormal, she was very active with me).



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Just in case its not totally obvious, the scab is over and behind her left nostril. Let me know if you need a clearer pic.
whatever it is/was, it looks like it is healing. She probably scratched it on something rough in the cage.

You don't feed live mice or rats do you? They can sometimes scratch or bite the snake.

I'd keep an eye on it and if it gets infected maybe a trip to the vet, but no worse than it is now, if she seems ok I would not worry about it.

After another shed or 2, you probably won't even be able to see that spot.
Thanks! And no, I feed f/t in a separate bin. I'll keep an eye on it. I feel so bad I didn't notice it earlier.
I'd keep a close eye on it for now, it looks to be healing. I had a texas rat that was so active he scratched himself on anything possible.
Update - scab looks the same.

I fed Jag tonight and noticed however that there was some flaking "skin" (like shed") off of her upper 1/3 which is super weird because she just had a perfect 1 piece shed a couple of weeks ago. So this is something I will keep an eye on. Anyone have any ideas about what this could be?

Also, I think I know how she injured herself. Recently I noticed she has been sliding up the walls of the viv and rubbing her head on the screen top. I'm thinking maybe she is getting bored with the layout, so tomorrow I am going shopping to get some new fake plants. I had to get rid of hers about a month ago because they were gross and I didn't have a chance to clean them. Anyways, hopefully with some new stuff in the viv she will not feel the need to rub as much.
bored with the layout, or just trying to get out.

Perfectly normal, snakes are escape artists, and are always looking for a way out. I used to have a Boa that could open the top and get out all the time. I had to modify the top to keep him locked up.

You might have to make some modifications to keep your snake from rubbing its head on the top. - For example, Corn snakes are climbers. They love to climb. They are one of the few snakes known to climb trees. It's recommended to keep a Corn snake in as tall a Tank (cage) as possible. I don't know what size cage you have, but if it's a standard aquarium type tank, you might want to opt for something taller.

As far as the flaking skin - check your humidity. You might need to boost it a bit. Humidity should be about 40 to 50 percent most of the time. It will fluctuate up and down but it's better if you can keep that to a minimum. During sheds, many of us use "Moist hides" to aid the snake. Some people spray mist the snake and the cage twice a day. The humidity during sheds should be around 60 to 70 percent. (I like to use a moist hide, and the snake loves it).
Thanks Karl. My humidity is good right now, and during sheds I do use a humid hide. However, I was running the heater in her room a lot last week and I know that dries out the air (although I do have a humidifier to run with it).

Jag does have a tall tree but I think she also used to climb around on the plants, so hopefully once I replace those tomorrow she will be pleased.
Jag woke me up around midnight scratching against the screen top. I covered the floor with papertowels to keep her down more and settled her into a hide for the night. This morning, I check on her and the scab looks really bad. I'm very worried. Two things...

1. Should I take her to the vet? I am planning on calling my vet and possibly sending them the pics to ask their advice. The scab is hard to see in this pic, but its much larger and dark purple.

2. What can I do to stop this behavior? She has a tree to climb but I was thinking if I added other places of height (like a second story) it might discourage this behavior. I know they have snake hammocks, but I think she is too big for them - any other ideas?

I am really disturbed with this injury and it is making me very stressed and worried for Jag. I will definitely be calling my vet ASAP, but any advice is greatly appreciated.


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what can you do to stop the behavior - the only thing that comes to my mind is to make it impossible for her to rub her head against the top. A taller cage.
Zoomed in larger pic.

Also, my vet is closed today, so I will call in the morning.


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It's going to be fine! You could put a tiny dab of antibiotic ointment on it, if it will make you feel better. I'd actually concentrate on the floor of her viv, if you want to keep her away from the screen. Maybe a cork bark, and a paper towel roll, and lots of plants. She might like a hammock, too. That might satisfy her need to be up high.
Some updates (for those curious). I spoke to my vet earlier in the week and we agreed Jag doesn't need medical intervention yet and I'll keep a close eye on her. We talked about some behavioral reasons (searching for a mate or nesting site - makes since as we are in breeding season). So I found this great cave (same one DollysMom has for Mandy). Its made by ExoTerra, I stuffed it with papertowels and Jag has taken to hanging out in there at night.

I haven't been woken up by anymore scratching noises and the scab finally looks like she is leaving it alone to heal! It still looks nice and dry and has "sunken in" a little. Hoping for a shed soon - although am not sure how well the head piece will come off, so we'll see....

Pictures: First, her scab (sorry for weird picture - when I compressed the file it got really bright). Second, cute pic of her in her "nest" (And yes she does fit in there all the way - she was just likes to go in half way, reorient herself so her head is near the opening, and then tuck the rest of her tail in).

Thanks everyone for all the advice as always!


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Her scab is looking good. Mandy fits in the rock hide, too, but often leaves her tail hanging out. It's so cute when they do that.

Hope that the scab disappears with the next shed or so!