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Snakes & Birds

Glad you found the source of the escapees. The bird buffet is officially closed. :)

As a small suggestion, what about adding some sort of stopper to the back of the rack to make sure you don't forget and push the tubs in all the way? I have a draw that's a P.O.S. and if I push it in all the way, it ends up jamming. I literally have to call my neighbor with a crowbar to get the thing out again. Eventually, I stuck a piece of wood back there. Works wonderfully.
texastailfeathers said:
In my home I have a flight cage full of society finch fledglings and an '06 RO that likes to escape. Would anyone like to guess the next part of this story?
Last fall, a friend called me in a panic and insisted I come over and get the snake out of her house (she is deathly afraid of even the smallest hatchling). What I found when I got there was a yearling Pacific gopher snake. It had managed the following:

Crawl through the garage...

Crawl from the garage into the family room...

Crawl over both a chair and a bookcase....

Squeeze through the bars of the birdcage...

Make a meal of one zebra finch.

This was one VERY determined gopher snake. I turned him loose in a wooded area near my home that is already known to have gopher snakes. Local boys catch them frequently in the summer.
Seriously, that's the most smug looking snake I've ever seen. He's very clearly pleased with himself. I know it's not a laughing matter, but I've been chuckling since I viewed the pictures.

Sorry about your bird, though. I'd be pretty upset if Tootse managed to eat Speedy (my Cockatiel).
So you know that thread about would our bred-for-generations-in-captivity corns be able to survive in the wild? I think this guy has a good shot- except he'd have to go roll in a mud puddle for camouflage.

Nanci said:
So you know that thread about would our bred-for-generations-in-captivity corns be able to survive in the wild? I think this guy has a good shot- except he'd have to go roll in a mud puddle for camouflage.


LOL...for some reason I just pictured a bunch of GI Joe looking snakes with camo paint on... :crazy02:

I think this one would do all right too. At least I know if he escapes in the house for any period of time he won't starve. :grin01:

I've fixed the problem though. No escapees since this last incident. Thank goodness.
Do you rent him out? I'm thinking in about 2-3 years he'll be able to handle my dad's Cockateil

I'll pick up the poo for you, so no worries there.

Actually nevermind, in about 2-3 years I might already will do it for him.
texastailfeathers said:
LOL...for some reason I just pictured a bunch of GI Joe looking snakes with camo paint on... :crazy02:

I bet v_various could do an excellent cartoon of that...

Resourceful little thing... :grin01: You've gotta love them, especially the taunting, defiant glare after they sneakily munch one of your other pets. Less competition for attention I suppose. :grin01:
Wow how horrible, I just have a little baby splendid parakeet which hatched last week, I would be just horrified if it became snakefood.

(Allthough I have already thought about when getting to much little birdies to give the snakes some more variation in their diet).

Well, yep, it's indeed a little bit funny... But when I think of my little tiny cute little splendid parakeet baby... Horrified!!!

And a... society finches as in lonchura domestica? This weekend I'm gonna pick up 2 couples of them.
They breed that fast?
I was at the petco the other day and they were out of mice..
I was eyballing everybody. Hamsters, small rats- nope too big- I eventually made my way over to the finches and the lady there (who knew what I had wanted mice for) shot me a look across the store and said "Don't even think about it!"
I thought that was kind of a silly point of view, mice enjoy their lives too after all, but I won't push the matter with a bird enthusiast, when there's a PetSmart on the other side of town with lots of frozen mice..