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Snakes Escape


New member
At the weekend my 4 foot corn snake escaped into a chair in my living room. I know because I saw the tail, grabbed it but the snake tried to get away, I knew that he would not come out so I let him go. I can not get to him unless I pull the back of the chair. This is not to hard but a pain to take off and put back on. He should be safe. I dont want to take back of and have him hurt himself on a splinter of wood or a spring that may or may not be inside the chair.

He is fed once a week and today is his feeding day? I was told that he could be MISSING for a month before he comes out.
I am in Ireland and the nights are cold out so he will not be on the floor.

I am using a hot lamp from his tank over the spot he went in to try to get him back to the spot he went in.

How do I get him out?

He is also my first snake. have him a month.

Donmaga1 :cry:
Have a search on 'escape', but as a start, make a pop-bottle trap. Cut the top off a 2 litre coke bottle, turn the top into a funnel and reattach with masking tape so it points into the bottle. Bait it with a thawed mouse and leave it near where the snake went in the chair. Good luck!
I'd have ripped the chair apart. I'd rather buy a new chair than not know where my snake was, for even one day.

donmaga1 said:
At the weekend my 4 foot corn snake escaped into a chair in my living room.


I can just see it now when Grandma is over for tea. "Oh, don't sit in that one, Dearie. That's the snakey one." You can't be serious about waiting him out. Disassemble the chair and retrieve the snake. One immediate concern...That heat lamp could scorch the upholstery or even start a fire.

Good luck in getting him back.
I would have pulled the chair apart by now as well...how do you know that he hasn't come out while you were away or sleeping and gone somewhere else? You could be heating the chair for all of the money and crumbs living there, instead of the snake? LOL! I think you should carefully take the back off and find your baby before it ends up in a wall somewhere.