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So cool...


New member
My little Okeetee is still quite skittish - rattling tail, no liking sudden movements - you know the deal.

Well, just a few minutes ago, I had her in an open bin and put my hand in, slowly. She paused, flicked her tongue, and slowly slithered toward my hand. I backed my hand out of the bin and she came up out of it and onto my hand.

I think I am finally getting through to her. It is always nice when a snake comes out of an enclosure and into your hand. My Milk does the same thing.
I hope not


I've heard a lot of people say their corn snakes willingly crawl onto their hands when they go to retrieve them. Lucky for you that this happened! I dream of the day when getting Pan out isn't an all out chase :)
Dito. Popcorn is a 'I might come out if I feel like it' kinda snake. Something that tickles me tho is that she will now climb into her feeding tub entirely voluntarily. I use a Tupperware tub with air holes in the lid & I usually take her out of her enclosure for a little 'cuddle' before I feed her. Twice now I've sat on my bed in my room with the tub next to my legs & she's roamed around my arms & legs for a bit before making her way over to the tub, sniffing it & climbing in to have a good look round. It's kind of like she's going 'aha! Now I remember this place. When I go in here I find food! Out smarted you didn't I? Silly human.' lol. :grin01: